I have always had an affinity with trips to the Home Depot, like most people. I feel manly, in project mode, and I feel lost at the same time. I watch those shows where they work with them, and Home Depot is all over the product placement scenes. But let me ask you this: do you ever actually get good help there? I mean, the people are nice and trying their best, so no disrespect to them. Seriously though, have you been like me, standing there, confused, needing guidance, looking around, and seeing nobody to help you. Well tonight, I needed help and when I finally got it, the guy had no idea what I was looking for. You might be saying to yourself, "well maybe you don't know what you were looking for" and normally that would be accurate. But I was looking to special order something, a window bar, a drapery rod. Not complex, easy even. I actually had measurements! Well, after thumbing through the manuals, books, whatever, he couldn't help me. My gripe is that they don't really even seem to care, don't want to call a manager, don't want to go above and beyond that "sorry man".
Screw Home Depot, I'll find another place to spend my money and take my confusion with me.
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Home Depot
Posted by
A View of the C
8:36 PM
Labels: Rant
Britney Committed - 5150
THANK GOD. Finally, someone helped this woman out. When someone is mental and not drug-induced crazy, you gotta care at least a little bit. Apparently, she was willingly committed after her psychiatrist made a call and she then went to UCLA, being held under 5150, which means she could be a harm to herself or others. Sad.
Go to TMZ for more information.
Posted by
A View of the C
6:32 AM
Labels: Pop-Trash Pickup
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Drop Dead Gorgeous - Another Favorite!
On my Top 10 list of all-time, it's darkly funny-just the way I like it.
Posted by
A View of the C
9:24 PM
Labels: Funny
Natalie Merchant - Beloved Wife
This song is amazing, and some fan made the visuals. Have a gander, and allow the sap to get inside you - it's ok.
Posted by
A View of the C
9:14 PM
Labels: Music Video
Alanis Morissette, Uninvited - An All-Time Favorite Performance
I was blown away then, and I still love it now. At the 2:30 mark it gets amazing. Ah hell, just watch the whole thing - it's worth it.
Posted by
A View of the C
9:10 PM
Labels: Music Video
Michael Vick's Pitbulls - Can There Be A Happy Ending?
Thanks to Kimberly for sending me this article from MSNBC, I had heard rumblings that the dogs would be saved (at least some of them) and "domesticated".
Here are some excerpts:
Posted by
A View of the C
8:41 PM
Labels: Commentary
Video of workers abusing cows raises food safety questions
Posted by
A View of the C
8:31 PM
Labels: Commentary
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Kathy Griffin on Scientology
She is the funniest person on earth!
Posted by
A View of the C
7:39 PM
Labels: Funny
Make Me a Supermodel - Bravo TV Show
Here's a scene from the last photoshoot they did, and it was S-E-X-Y as hell. They paired people together, guys with girls, guys with guys, girls with girls. My kind of photoshoot! And yes, the girls are straight as were the two guys. But even the gay guy rocked it with a girl, so there you go. It's nice to have one of these modeling shows where they actually are ready to model, not acting like they went to summer camp and miss home. Bravo indeed!
Posted by
A View of the C
7:16 PM
Labels: TV Shows
Atta girl! You do what Britney doesn't seem to want to do anymore, perform.
Posted by
A View of the C
7:03 PM
Labels: Music Video
Global Warming 101 - National Geographic
People want to learn, the visitors coming to my site say so. Here's another video that might be helpful.
Posted by
A View of the C
6:56 PM
Labels: Go green
Why Does Going to the Movies Cost So Much?
I just posted some trailers for some upcoming films, and as you know, I just went to a few recently. You get in after paying $9 or so, and since most people don't alone, let's round that to a nice, even $20. I then usually buy a small popcorn and a soda and again multiply that by two and you're not out for about $40 so far. That made me wonder, why does everything cost so much? I am a bit of a pop culture junkie and because of that, I know it costs a lot for the actors (some up to $20 million a film), production costs, marketing costs, etc. The movie theaters or chains then pay to carry the films, and then they have overhead as well. Beyond that, I really don't know that much. So I did some digging and here's what I found:
A Blockbuster Budget (How Stuff Works is a great site!)
A movie starts with an idea. It could be a basic outline, or it could be a fully written screenplay. The idea/screenplay is promoted until a studio or independent investor decides to purchase the rights to it. Then, hundreds of people, maybe thousands are brought together to make the film. Stay to watch the movie credits and you know this. There are the cast, the supporting cast and the extras. There are all the hair stylists and makeup people. There are all the assistants to the cast members. There are the casting agents who hired the cast. There are all of the directors - the main director, the first assistant director, the second assistant director, the second unit director, the director of photography, the art director, the assistant art director, and so on. There are the producers. There are the screenwriters. There are the costume designers, costume makers, set designers and set crew. There are the camera operators and lighting crew. There are the special effects and visual effects people. There are the music people. There are the editors. There is the financial and legal staff. There are the caterers and drivers. The list goes on and on. All of these people work on the movie and they all must be paid. And, besides the wages for all these folks, don't forget other expenses, like the building supplies for the set, the furniture, the props, the costumes, the electricity, the advertising, etc.
Once the movie is completed, the film is sent to the studio. The studio makes a licensing agreement with a distribution company. The distribution company determines how many copies (prints) of the film to make. These are the actual films the movie theaters show to you. A print typically costs between $1,500 and $2,000 to make. Major films, like the "Star Wars" films or "The Lord of the Rings" trilogy have what is known as a "wide release." This means that the films open on 700 to 3,000 or more screens. That could mean a cost of more than $6 million on the prints! Smaller or independent films can have a "limited release," which means opening on 50 to 700 theaters. So the print costs are much smaller.
The distribution company screens (shows) the movie to prospective buyers representing the theaters. The buyers decide which films they want to show at their theaters. They will have to lease these films from the distributor. Then the buyers negotiate the terms of the lease agreement. To do this, first the theater negotiates the amount of the house allowance (also known as the "house nut"). This is a set figure to cover basic operating expenses each week. Next, the percentage split for the net box office (the amount left after the deduction of the house nut) and the percentage split for the gross box office are set. Usually, the net is set at something like 90 percent to the studio and 10 percent to the theater. Gross would be something like a 70/30 split for the first two weeks, followed by 60/40 for week three and 50/50 for week four. The arrangement is usually set up so that the distributor gets the highest possible amount, either net or gross -- whichever is greater. Finally, the length of the "engagement" is set. An engagement is the number of weeks a theater will show a film. A typical engagement is four weeks.
The prints are sent to the theaters a few days before the opening day. At the end of the engagement, the theater sends the print back to the distribution company and makes payment on the lease agreement.
That gives you an idea why ticket prices are so high. But, what about the concessions? As you've seen, the studio spends a lot of money to make a film. And, the studio gets the majority of ticket money to recoup those expenses and then some. Theaters also have expenses. There are many costs involved in running a movie theater. The building itself costs money - either through a lease or mortgage payments. Then there are the utilities like electricity and water and the cost of equipment like projection systems, popcorn machines, and drink machines and so on. The theater also has to pay its employees.
Since they're not making much from ticket sales, the theater needs to make money another way. Movie studios and theaters both have other revenue streams. For example, think of merchandising for a movie - toys, action figures, books, video games - it all generates money for the studio. Theaters have two other main sources of revenue - concessions and pre-movie, on-screen advertising. While the advertising can generate some decent money, it's the concessions that can bring in the most revenue. When you look at the big picture, you can see that it's really the popcorn, soda and candy that keep theaters in business!
So the next time someone wonders that aloud, and you know they will, dazzle them with your insights about how it all gets to the part where you pay an arm and a leg to go see a movie. Don't credit me, use it as your own information. And oh yeah, maybe you should have lunch at home before you go or you can always smuggle your own candy in, but don't quote me on that! As a side-gripe, how the fuck did Twizzlers get the contract for these theaters, bring back the Red Vines!
Posted by
A View of the C
5:58 PM
Labels: Did you know?
Definitely, Maybe - Trailer
The people that made Notting Hill and Love, Actually made this. It's for those romantic comedy types, and Ryan Reynolds is always a draw isn't he?
Posted by
A View of the C
5:52 PM
Labels: Movies
Stop-Loss Movie Trailer
Critics in the world might say this is a liberal, anti-war, anti-military movie. They might be right, but it just might be the truth! I think a good deal of people feel this way about it. I haven't seen the film, and trailers often look better than the film, but it might be worth seeing.
Posted by
A View of the C
5:50 PM
Labels: Movies
Attention UFO Fans!
Here's a new show or series coming on the History Channel, it looks interesting - have a look y'all.
Posted by
A View of the C
5:48 PM
Labels: Movies
Be Kind Rewind - Trailer
Not a Jack Black fan, at all. Having said that, this movie looks really funny and clever. It's nice to see a movie that's not following the cookie-cutter formula right? Have a look, they remake movies homemade style. Love it!
Posted by
A View of the C
5:45 PM
Labels: Movies
Monday, January 28, 2008
Warning: Foul and Sinful Language
The use of the N word might end a porn star's career, from the Onion News Network. Another industry with a black mark (no pun intended) against it, the porn industry. How could they? hehe
Click here, and laugh. There's filthy, underbelly-speak all over of this thing, and I love it!
(I should've posted the video, but I don't want to truly offend anyone)
Thanks Matt!
Posted by
A View of the C
10:34 PM
Labels: Funny
Brain Freeeeeeeezzzzzzzzzzzeeeeeeee!
I went to the movie the other day (to see Juno, hello!) and I got a Slurpee, Slushy, whatever they're called there. I grew up loving them from 7-Eleven and yes, I was a little white trash - and I'm proud of it! Anyway, I took a tiny sip and like a freight train, the brain freeze grabbed me by the balls and I was paralyzed for a good 15 seconds. Why does that happen, is it instant karmic punishment for the nectar I just allowed myself to have? Well, I did a look-up and here's what I found:
The temperature change in the roof of the mouth has to be rather drastic; this is why brain freeze often occurs on warm days.
- 7-Eleven was founded in 1927 in Dallas, Texas
- It's the world's largest operator, franchiser and licensor of convenient stores
- There are over 21,000 stores worldwide
- During it's first year of operation, 7-Eleven pioneered the convenient store concept when its retail outlets began to sell "convenience” items, such as milk, bread, and eggs, to customers.
- The name 7-Eleven originated in 1946 when the stores were open from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m.
- More than 5,700 7-Eleven and other convenience stores operated and franchised by 7-Eleven, Inc. in the United States and Canada serve approximately 6 million customers a day.
- Approximately 3,300 of 7-Eleven’s 5,300 stores in the United States are operated by franchisees; the rest are company-operated. 7-Eleven licensees operate about 430 stores in the United States.
- Internationally, 7-Eleven licensees and affiliates operate an additional 15,000 7-Eleven and other convenience stores in other countries including Japan, Australia, Mexico, Taiwan, Singapore, the Philippines, Spain, Sweden, Denmark, South Korea, Thailand, Norway, Turkey, Malaysia, China and the U.S. territories of Puerto Rico and Guam.
- Seven-Eleven Japan operates more than 8,300 7-Eleven stores in Japan and Hawaii under an area license agreement with 7-Eleven
- It is the world's largest convenience store chain with 5,800 stores in the US and Canada, 16,000 more in 17 countries and territories around the globe
- Total sales (year 2000): $29 billion worldwide $6.6 billion in US (6% increase over previous year)
- Average store size: 2,400 to 3,000 sq. ft.
- Drinkables make up 33 percent of total merchandise sales
- Non-alcoholic beverages: 22 percent
- Beer/Wine: 11 percent
Posted by
A View of the C
6:53 PM
Labels: Did you know?
Animals and Full Moons - Why Do They Act Crazy?
Here's what I found:
- As you know, the moon causes the tides to rise and fall and since it's gravitational pull is strong enough to do this, it can also do this with your body, to a lesser degree. It affects the blood flow and then affects the chemical balance between the body and brain.
Posted by
A View of the C
6:45 PM
Labels: Did you know?
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Need power windows but don't have the cash?
Posted by
A View of the C
6:39 PM
Labels: Funny
Pop-Wreck Poll Results
The question: Which pop-wreck would you most like to meet?
You answered and the winner is: Britney Spears with 45% of the vote!
Posted by
A View of the C
5:39 PM
Labels: Did you know?
Movie Recommendation - Juno
When you go to a movie with a small group of people, it's usually about the experience, not really the movie. Today was about the movie, and while I know much of America has already seen this, I still wanted to put my two cents in on it. First off, Ellen Page is fantastic in this film - very witty, very sassy, and yet she is able to be real, not just a caricature of the "angry teen". She's very intelligent, curious, and definitely walks her own direction. Jennifer Garner, I love - I actually have a bit of a crush on her, always have. Alias, 13 Going on 30, etc. Something about her, but I digress. So as everyone knows, the girl is preggers and doesn't want to keep the kid, so it goes through that process and how she reconciles it with her life.
Posted by
A View of the C
4:53 PM
Labels: Movies
Movie Recommendation - Waitress
Posted by
A View of the C
10:05 AM
Labels: Movies
My New Website Jukebox - Play A Song
No, I didn't buy that colorful looking thing in the pic, so don't be trying to click it and yelling, "the damn thing doesn't play" cause you know you were about to, or did!
It's the green jukebox thingy (tech-speak) down a little bit on the right. Play whatever song you like that's on there. This isn't an ad, cause that's not how I roll. Ok, I might roll that way but I'm not this time!
Posted by
A View of the C
9:39 AM
Labels: Music
Reminder: How You Can Help the Earth - Pass this to three people and ask the same of them.
At Home: Use Less Energy
Home energy accounts for 21 percent of America's global warming pollution. If we make smart choices, we can cut more pollution than the entire emissions of over 100 countries!
- Change a bulb: Better energy-saving lights
- Greener power: Re-thinking home energy
- Full list of tips: How to cut pollution at home
On the Road: Be Efficient
When it comes to global warming, how and what we drive are two of our most powerful choices. Transportation is the biggest source of U.S. carbon dioxide emissions, more than factories or homes.
- Save fuel: Use less gas with your current car.
- Choose green: Buy a clean, efficient car.
- Even if you are already driving efficiently and using less electricity, there's more you can do. Buying offsets, or credits, neutralizes what we can't cut. How to buy carbon offsets.
Posted by
A View of the C
8:44 AM
Labels: Go green
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Rihanna - Don't Stop the Music LIVE from NRJ Music Awards
I'll say it again, Rihanna is doing it, doing it, doing it well. D-I-V-A! And she has a hot new haircut, watch for copycats to come.
This is my favorite track off the cd, and with the perfect MJ sampling, it's gets in your brain like a hurricane. (I have no idea what that means, I just said it cause it rhymes.)
Posted by
A View of the C
9:45 PM
Labels: Music Video
A Fine Frenzy - My new musical love
Almost Lover
Watch, listen, feel. And then buy their CD on the Amazon box next to this, you won't regret it. Wrap yourself in a warm blanket, sip some tea, and enjoy.
Btw, how hot is she? Dayum!
Here's Last of Days, Live.
And finally, here is Ashes and Wine.
Posted by
A View of the C
11:53 AM
Labels: Music Video
Madonna Sings Sooner or Later Live 1991
Madonna may never win an Oscar for acting, but you just can't beat this performance. I mean, COME ON! H-O-T. Yes, she had Michael Jackson with her as her date, but I'll forgive her that momentarily lapse in judgement.
"A girl can get awfully awful in the spotlight." Perfection!
A few tidbits of info: her earring fell off halfway during the performance, luckily it stuck in her hair. Not a huge deal except she was wearing over $20 million in jewelry, Harry Winston-natch! And watch her hands shake in the beginning, but still she did it.
Posted by
A View of the C
11:44 AM
Labels: Music Video
Friday, January 25, 2008
Amy Winehouse, Before and After
It's amazing really, cause she's a beautiful girl. Supremely talented, and actually really sweet when I've seen her in interviews.
Posted by
A View of the C
8:05 PM
Labels: Did you know?
Website Visitors
I'm still messing around with the metrics I keep, which counter to use. I go between Google Analytics and My Stat Counter. What I can say though, is that I've had anywhere between 50-120 visitors each day, and even had a few from India, Singapore, South Africa, and the beautiful country of Alaska. (yes, I know)
Posted by
A View of the C
7:00 PM
Labels: Musings
Food Journal
I thought I might post what I've eaten today but today was a shameful day. SHAME ON ME! I will say, however, that I do allow myself one cheat day so I guess today's that day. I'm posting it for others but I guess also for myself, because then I can't lie to myself! Here goes:
- Breakfast: Multi-Grain Cheerios
- Snack: Banana, water
- Lunch: A piece of Chicken Parm with a small scoop of pasta, water
- Snack: Pop Tarts (here's where i go down hill, each and every day!), water
- Dinner: Two pieces of leftover pizza, no crust
Posted by
A View of the C
6:46 PM
Labels: Fitness
Commuting Rant
It seems that I inspired someone else to rant about their commute, which is music to my ears. I aim to inspire.
- School should start AFTER Rush hour on the trains. I need to make my train so seeing a school bus pull in front of me basically says 'ha ha, you are gunna miss it'.
- Don't use your cell phone for more than a conversation exchanging facts like 'I'll be home at 6", "I gotta pay back this loan by tomorrow or they will break my thumbs" or "Casserole is fine honey". If you need to talk, do it quietly and take the headset off, you can't speak softly when using a hands free, it apparently violates the laws of physics.
- If you listen to an iPod or other music, keep it to yourself. If I can figure out what song you are listening to from across the aisle, your volume is too loud.
- Keep your shoes on.
- Don't sit in the middle of 3 seats when you know the train will be crowded, hoping no one will sit near you. Might as well say "I am a douchebag and I know it".
- Right is for standing, left for walking. If you want to 'chat' with your pal you have to wait until you get to the top. DO NOT STAND ON THE LEFT SIDE.
Thanks Mezz.
Posted by
A View of the C
6:24 PM
Labels: Rant
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Pop-Trash PickUp
- Amy Winehouse went to rehab, yes, yes, yes. Good for her, and hopefully they have a stylist when she gets there. Why can't crackheads dress?
- Should Britney be left alone by the media? CNN has a poll and I think CA should create some sort of stalking law. If she wasn't crazy before, I can see how she would be on a non-stop flight to CrazyTown with all of the coverage she gets. But then again, maybe she could live without that Frapp for one day eh?
- Heath Ledger: sad, sad, sad. Words can't express, no matter how many "demons" he was allegedly dealing with - and screw you John Gibson at Fox News! Devil bastards!
- Is Angelina pregnant? Well, if what they're saying is true, it's twins. That'll make 6 kids, is that fair to the kids? Many families are large and they turn out really well, like, um, the Jacksons!
- Is everyone pregnant in Holly-weird? Christina, Nicole Richie, Jamie Lynn, Nicole Kidman, Halle, Jessica Alba, Angelina, Amy Winehouse (with an 8-ball), Richard Simmons, everyone! Someone must have put some swimmers in the Botox supply - holla!
Posted by
A View of the C
8:06 PM
Labels: Pop-Trash Pickup
MacBook Air, Why the hell not?
Posted by
A View of the C
7:01 PM
Labels: Funny
Need Shoes? Check these out!
Simple Shoes, and they're eco-friendly! My friend Aimee has a pair, I told her they were cute, she then proceeded to tell me about what they're made of. They have:
- Organic cotton linings
- PET laces (made from recycled materials)
- PET pedbeds
- The outsole used to be a car tire
- 100% post-consumer paper pulp foot forms
Posted by
A View of the C
6:44 PM
Labels: Go green
There goes my business idea.
If someone can do it better and faster than you, you just gotta let it go. So here you go:
Next time you want to get a haircut because you "just can't do anything with your hair", consider this. Unbeweavable, really.
Posted by
A View of the C
7:26 AM
Labels: Funny
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
An All-Time Classic - LaShonda Reed and Her Cable!
Posted by
A View of the C
8:02 PM
Labels: Funny
MAD tv - Bon Qui Qui at King Burger
For Michael, from Lil Q.
Posted by
A View of the C
7:44 PM
Labels: Funny
Premature Babies -Perez Hilton Foundation
Funny, even if you don't love him - and I don't.
Posted by
A View of the C
7:30 PM
Labels: Funny
"Homeless" - To Give or Not to Give?
I like this picture, because I'm so not technical and also, because it leads to my topic. When you get asked for change, do you give? I've heard things from friends that range from "Get a job!" to "I don't want to encourage the wrong behavior" to "Yes, I'll take some change" when asked. My view is somewhere in the middle of everything. My overall philosophy is this: if a person is having to ask strangers for money, for whatever reason, I truly believe that their plight is bigger than my need to question their motives. People in donut shops have tip jars, people in coffee shops do too, in restaurants I leave a generous tip for them just bringing my plate and asking me how my food was, and mostly people lie anyway right? So I give, yes I do. Maybe they're having drug or alcohol issues, maybe they have a mental illness, maybe it's difficult to get a job when you don't have an address, a steady place to shower, clothes, etc. I would encourage everyone to think about what we as a community have done to help them. That, my friends, is a whole seperate subject. Give a dime, a quarter, whatever and if you get asked 10 more times, know that you helped a little bit. Or better yet, leave all of your change and cash at home or at the office when you go to lunch and then you don't have to lie and can answer honestly with "I don't have any, sorry."
Posted by
A View of the C
6:59 PM
Labels: Musings
Elevator Etiquette
I work in a building with many elevators with tons of opportunities for annoyances - I think most of us do. I had read some elevator etiquette email a while back, and I'm definitely not an elevator-rule-Nazi or whatever. Having said that, some people obviously missed the memo. Let me break this down for you what I think some of the rules should be.
- If the button is pushed and lit up, leave it the hell alone. It doesn't make it come faster, it doesn't show a noble effort to push it again, and nor does it "help". It makes you look like an idiot. Now, if you're blind, you get a free pass.
- If the door is closing and you're running for it and put your hand in to open it back up, you've just said to me, "Fuck you and your time because mine is more important." Again, any disabilities (being stupid does not count) trump this rule.
- Don't talk to me, don't say you like my shirt (ok, say that), the truth is that you have little that I'm interested in hearing about. Let me say that it doesn't make you a bad person, and it doesn't make you uninteresting, it just means that it's not the right time and place - I'm on a mission and that mission is not to get to know you better.
- If you push the wrong floor button and then push another that is before me, you've just said "fuck you" again to me. You should wait until I get to my floor and then ride the elevator back down to your floor. Sorry fat-fingers, get more coffee (or less you crack-head!) and a steadier aim.
- Pretending to be on your phone, looking at your iPod, whatever - it's obvious that you aren't comfortable with yourself enough to just stand there. Or you have ADD and maybe should get some medication. Trust me on this.
Posted by
A View of the C
6:44 PM
Labels: Rant
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
HSN Hysterical Breakdown
Now this is F-U-N-N-Y ! You know this sweet woman working at HSN has to paint that smile on her face each and every night, talking about one piece of crap jewelry after another. The woman caller then asks her about something from 10 years ago and the downward spiral begins - but in an extremely funny way! Right around 2 minutes is where I left the big smile club and got on the laughter train - you gotta see it.
Posted by
A View of the C
7:14 AM
Labels: Funny
Monday, January 21, 2008
Simple vs Complex Carbs
Many of us are always trying to lean down, cut out the fat, show the abs, etc. Anyone who doesn't or isn't is probably not being truthful. But overall, the idea of how to get there is daunting. Eat no carbs, eat low-carb, count calories, work out, should I use weights or do cardio, how much water should I drink, should I eat less meals or more meals, on and on and on. Let's start simple, or complex as it were. What is the difference between simple carbs and complex carbs?
- High-carb foods cause a rapid rise in blood sugar.
- This blood sugar causes the body to produce insulin, which carries nutrients to cells.
- Our cells use this sugar for energy.
- If you have too much of this sugar, it is stored as fat.
Posted by
A View of the C
9:13 PM
Labels: Fitness
Outstanding in the Field - A New Dining Option?
This was on CBS Sunday morning yesterday. It's an artist and surfer from California who does a lot of different things, one of which is traveling round the world to do these dinners that are called Outstanding in the Field dinners. They typically are held at a local farm or winery etc. and he uses local chefs only. All the food/wine and drink is served at the dinner is made from food grown within 100 miles of that location. All fresh, all local. The dinners are expensive but the experience seems well worth it. They usually have a table that is several hundred yards long and are typically in the middle of the field where the food is grown. What a great way to put us in touch with where our food comes from and to send that message.
Go check this out by visiting the Outstanding in the Field website. (Thanks Aimee for the tip!)
Posted by
A View of the C
10:55 AM
Labels: Did you know?
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Global Warming - Watch this to learn...
I have to preface this video by saying, yes, I do believe it is real. I believe we can all take little steps to make a difference. As I've said before, it's not all-or-nothing, do what you can and push yourself harder to make changes that will benefit the greater good of mankind. Watch this vid and if you have suggestions of efforts people can put forth, please leave a comment.
Posted by
A View of the C
10:02 PM
Labels: Go green
Voting Results - My poll
I had a poll on here asking whom you would vote for if you were voting for President today (or the day I posted the poll), and here were the results:
2 (18%)
3 (27%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
The turnout wasn't great (just like a real election!), but I think we have a clear victor and his name is Bill, er, wait, I mean, her name is Hillary Clinton! Hooray!
A new poll coming soon.
Not registered to vote: you can do it online at Rock the Vote and it's easy as hell. Do it, it's your responsibility.
Posted by
A View of the C
8:25 PM
Labels: Politics
Obesity Risks - What increases and decreases it?
I have been reading The Abs Diet book for some time, but recently picked it up again when my eating habits started to decline in quality. I guess for me, it's more that I started to lose my sense of direction and feeling like I was eating randomly, without thought and without a plan. I'm just a regular guy who exercises regularly, but eats very inconsistently. Very good, very bad, not so much in between. So, I pick up my trusted book and I came across this interesting set of information. This book cites a study that was done at the University of Massachusetts where they analyzed the eating habits of 500 men and women and found connections between the way people eat and the risk of becoming overweight. Here are some of their findings:
- Eating at least one midday snack -39% (good)
- Eating dinner as your biggest meal of the day +6% (not horrible)
- Waiting more than 3 hours after waking up to eat breakfast +43% (kinda bad)
- Eating more than a third of your meals in restaurants +69% (bad)
- Going to bed hungry (3 hours since your last meal or snack) +101% (really bad)
- Eating breakfast away from home +137% (really really bad)
- Not eating breakfast +450% (Lawwwddd have mercy bad!)
Posted by
A View of the C
7:40 PM
Labels: Fitness
Toot Tone
Thanks Jeff, this is a real gas! *groan*
Posted by
A View of the C
9:03 AM
Labels: Funny
Saturday, January 19, 2008
To anyone healing from a break-up
Trying to move on too soon. Watch this and feel the music as A Fine Frenzy sings "Near to You".
Posted by
A View of the C
12:23 PM
Labels: Musings
Friday, January 18, 2008
Do Clowns Freak You Out?
I came across this article about how children and most people have a negative association with clowns. I'm not exactly sure why, but I can tell you that Stephen King's IT Pennywise was completely scary. When I showed my friend Tara the pics of Pennywise, she said this, "I saw that article and I totally agree. Clowns are FREAKY. I do not know HOW they ended up being a "kid" thing. They give me the creeps. Why the makeup? What are you hiding under there? Craziness, that's what." I think that sums it up perfectly and of course, I think it's hysterical!

Posted by
A View of the C
7:31 AM
Labels: Commentary
New Office Terms - How many can you use today?
BLAMESTORMING: Sitting around in a group,discussing why a deadline wasmissed or a project failed, and who was responsible.
SEAGULL MANAGER: A manager who flies in, makes a lot of noise, shits on everything, and then leaves.
ASSMOSIS: The process by which some people seem to absorb success and advancement by kissing the boss' ass rather than working hard.
SALMON DAY: The experience of spending an entire day swimming upstream only to get screwed and die in the end.
CUBE FARM: An office filled with cubicles.
PRAIRIE DOGGING: When someone yells or drops something loudly in a cube farm and people's heads pop up over the walls to see what's going on.
MOUSE POTATO: The on-line, wired generation's answer to the couch potato.
STRESS PUPPY: A person who seems to thrive on being stressed out and whiney.
IRRITAINMENT: Entertainment and media spectacles that are annoying but you find yourself unable to stop watching them. The Anna Nichole show or the Bachelor is a prime example.
PERCUSSIVE MAINTENANCE: The fine art of whacking the crap out of an electronic device to get it to work again.
ADMINISPHERE: The rarefied organizational layers beginning just above the rank and file. Decisions that fall from the adminisphere are often profoundly inappropriate or irrelevant to the problems they were designed to solve .
404: Someone who's clueless. From the World Wide Web error message "404 Not Found" (meaning that the requested document, like the person's brain, could not be located).
GENERICA: Features of the North American landscape that are exactly the same no matter where one is, such as fast food joints, strip malls, subdivisions.
OHNOSECOND: That minuscule fraction of time in which you realize that you've just made a BIG mistake.
WOOFYS: Well Off Older Folks.
CROP DUSTING: Surreptitiously farting while passing thru a cube farm, then enjoying the sounds of dismay and disgust (leads to PRAIRIE DOGGING).
Posted by
A View of the C
7:27 AM
Labels: Funny
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Botox, would you do it?
Have a look, and I'll follow this up with a little bit of information. The cost: $12-15/unit, and men often require more than women. I have found that men use anywhere from 20-40 units in their forehead and for the eyes, 10-15 units per eye. Of course this varies and you would have to talk to your doctor. I personally would recommend finding an office with a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon in the office, even if one of their technicians (trained in this product, procedure, etc.) administers it. Basically, do your research - it's a must.
Check this link for more information: BOTOX And check out some before-and-after shots. Or I should say, pictures.
Would you do it? I want to know.
Posted by
A View of the C
8:47 PM
Labels: Did you know?
The Perfect Drug
Directed by Mark Romanek, and he has directed some of the best videos ever. His imagery, lighting, speed of the shots, everything - phenomenal!
Posted by
A View of the C
8:41 PM
Labels: Music Video
All Is Full of Love - Bjork Video
Quite possibly my favorite video ever, and Bjork makes some amazing (albeit strange) videos.
Have a look!
Posted by
A View of the C
8:39 PM
Labels: Music Video
Bad Girl - Classic Vid, One of Her Bests
Wait for the little break 4:45, it's awesome!
Posted by
A View of the C
8:35 PM
Labels: Music Video
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Getting to Gnom-e!
The sign of the Rat is the first sign in the cycle giving Rat people exude great leadership qualities and are good at taking the lead. They don't mind a lot of responsibility and they demonstrate a strong presence that other people respect. For those with the Rat nature, status and monetary satisfaction are the greatest motivation.
Smart, Magnetic, Well-liked, Affable, Quick-witted, Surreptitious, Selfish, Protective, Calculating
The affect of the sign of the Rat is energetic, and demonstrates enough endurance to fight most any sickness. Yet, all Rats tend to be tense, full of nervous energy, petulant and prone to stress. Rats also harbor a bit of aggression; yet, they are usually able to control it. Yoga would benefit Rats by calming their aggressive natures and helping them manage stress.
Rats make good homemakers who are always willing to do household chores. Rats are not usually interested in keeping up with the times, and it doesn't matter to them whether or not their furnishings are in style. What does matter is that their home is a refuge expressing warmth, comfort and vogue. Light blue is their color of choice for home decor. Because this is a sign of acquisition, the Rat person's house is presumably bursting with various knick-knacks collected over the years. Most Rats are cheerful, domesticated individuals who find happiness at home with their family.
The Chinese say others should always listen to the advice of the Rat. Because of their intellect and observatory powers, Rat people possess prudence and perception. They can anticipate problems, and are always able to see the big picture. They can hone in on issues at hand and make measurable judgments. These skills, combined with their sense of aspiration also make them clever operators. Status, money, title, and recognition are important to the Rat. They have keen senses of observation that allow them to foresee upcoming business opportunities as well as potential occupational problems. The Rat makes a better boss than an employee and, although motivated, they can be pinned down by routines. Rats work better in flexible situations where they can be freely creative.
Cunning and thrifty, Rats have a knack with money and are apt to save for rainy days. When capable, the Rat is a great money saver, and in strapped times he knows how to make something out of nothing or how to turn make things advantageous for himself. Although few Rats suffer financially, the Chinese have a proverb: They who pile up grain hoards have much to lose.
Writers, Broadcasters, Actors, Advisors, Counselors, Lawyers, Politicians, Designers, Engineers, Managers, Directors, Administrators, Entrepreneurs, Musicians, Stand-up Comedians, Researchers, Historians, Race Car Drivers
Travel delights the Rat personality and ignites his curiosity. Sunbathing is not the ideal way for a Rat to spend his vacation. Rats are adventurers. They want to explore, examine, visit and party during their time off. They want to try new foods, find new sights and experience the culture of the area they are visiting. And, of course, if they can come home with an exotic souvenir to add to their collection their vacation will have been an instant success.
Generally friendly and sociable, the Rat is one of the extroverts of the Animal Zodiac. Often, the Rat is lively and genial, and has a special gift for easing the minds of others. It is not surprising that Rats have a lot of friends. They are great speakers and intriguing conversationalists, and can generally find something to say on just about any topic or subject. Of course, there is always that renowned Rat lure that allows them to charm the pants off of people! To the people they love, Rats can be amazingly charitable, popular and supportive, and will go out of their way to be certain their loved ones are content. On the other hand, if the Rat does not like someone, he is considered fair game and can be used to achieve any and all of the Rat's desires. At the end of the day, though, the Rat is a loyal friend and will be there for his companions through thick and thin.
Compatible Friends: Dragons and Monkeys
Mortal Enemy: Horses
Taurean Rats are intimidating people. Their sharp minds never skip a beat and they don't lose sight of their goals. Conventional deep down, making money is their motivating factor.
To summarize: I AM a Rat and I need love too!
Posted by
A View of the C
7:31 PM
Labels: Did you know?
Awwww hell!
This is funny as hell, I think Ty almost got the wind knocked out of him. Little did she know that in a rare twist on the Extreme Home Makeover show, they were there to only give her family a pass to Six Flags. Oops.
(yes, I jest)
Posted by
A View of the C
7:22 PM
Labels: Funny
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
The Business of Being Born - Trailer
I've seen Ricki Lake on numerous talk shows discussing this, and I'm fascinated. What do you think?
Posted by
A View of the C
10:41 PM
Labels: Movies
An Apple a Day...
Well, they've done it again. Too much to post, and much of it's positive. Check this link for a run-down of how much closer Apple is to world domination! I wonder how many people will continue to wait for the next generation, and will that waiting impact the next generation development. I'm not an economics expert, but without the revenue from people buying, the development won't go at the same pace. I have an iPhone and I hear a lot of people say, "I'm waiting for the second generation".

Posted by
A View of the C
9:04 PM
Labels: Did you know?
Ok, so I like salt on a few things: watermelon, apples, bread with butter, soups, my hand, an occasional salt lick. Having said that, on any given day I don't have salt at all - at least, I mean, I don't add salt to anything. It did get me thinking though, how much is too much and where do we get most of our sodium. I did some digging and this is what I found from the Mayo Clinic: If you look at the picture, 77% of our sodium intake comes from processed and prepared foods, NOT what you add while eating. Holy water-retention Batman!
- Helps maintain the right balance of fluids in your body
- Helps transmit nerve impulses
- Influences the contraction and relaxation of muscles
If your kidneys can't eliminate enough sodium, the sodium starts to accumulate in your blood. Because sodium attracts and holds water, your blood volume increases. Increased blood volume, in turn, makes your heart work harder to move more blood through your blood vessels, increasing pressure in your arteries. Certain diseases such as congestive heart failure, cirrhosis and chronic kidney disease can lead to an inability to regulate sodium.
Some people are more sensitive to the effects of sodium than are others. People who are sodium sensitive retain sodium more easily, leading to excess fluid retention and increased blood pressure. If you're in that group, extra sodium in your diet increases your chance of developing high blood pressure, a condition that can lead to cardiovascular and kidney diseases.
Note: Most recommend between 1,500 and 2,400 milligrams (mg) a day for healthy adults. A lower sodium intake has a more beneficial effect on blood pressure.
The average U.S. diet has three main sources of sodium:
- Processed and prepared foods. Most sodium in a person's diet comes from eating processed and prepared foods, such as canned vegetables, soups, luncheon meats and frozen foods. Food manufacturers use salt or other sodium-containing compounds to preserve food and to improve the taste and texture of food.
- Sodium-containing condiments. One teaspoon of table salt has 2,325 mg of sodium, and 1 tablespoon of soy sauce has 1,005 mg of sodium. Adding these or other sodium-laden condiments to your meals — either while cooking or at the table — raises the sodium count of food.
- Natural sources of sodium. Sodium naturally occurs in some foods, such as meat, poultry, dairy products and vegetables. For example, 1 cup of low-fat milk has about 110 mg of sodium.
Scrambled eggs, 2 large 342 mg
Bacon, 1 slice 192 mg
Whole-wheat bread, 1 slice 148 mg
Butter, 2 teaspoons 54 mg
Total sodium for meal 736 mg
Whole-wheat bread, 2 slices 296 mg
Ham, luncheon meat, 1 slice 350 mg
Mayonnaise, 1 tablespoon 105 mg
Dill pickle, 1 spear 385 mg
Pretzels, 1 ounce 486 mg
Orange, 1 large 0 mg
Total sodium for meal 1,622 mg
Spaghetti noodles, 1 cup 179 mg
Spaghetti sauce, 1/2 cup 601 mg
Parmesan cheese, 1 tablespoon 76 mg
Green beans, canned, 1/2 cup 177 mg
Garlic bread, 1 slice 200 mg
Total sodium for meal 1,233 mg
Total sodium for the day 3,591 mg - YIKES!
(Source: Department of Agriculture, Nutrient Data Laboratory, 2005)
Posted by
A View of the C
7:31 PM
Labels: Did you know?
Skins Series Trailer
Skins Series ll The Uncut Trailer
I'm not sure where this is airing, or if it is airing but damn this trailer/preview is S-E-X-Y. I love the imagery and music. All I could find about it was that it was a 2003 series on FOX that didn't do well. But this trailer is new so...where is it?
Posted by
A View of the C
7:23 PM
Labels: TV Shows
Monday, January 14, 2008
3 Cool Gadgets
The new LG Prada phone is H-O-T, and I don't really care about having a Prada phone. I guess it's coming out in Europe (the silver one i mean) but not the U.S. Click here to see the article on it.
Check this out, I found it on gizmodo.com. If you are like our household, where you have multiple Apple products (see earlier post) and have more than a couple of little white cords hanging around, or if you find yourselves fighting over who gets to charge their phone tonight (as we do sometimes), this could be cool. Yeah, it's $79, but if you can swing it and have the need, it could be helpful. The one you see above with 4 slots is available in the coming months and the 2 slot one is available in June.
Posted by
A View of the C
10:15 PM
Labels: Gadgets
Gay Harry Potter
Slightly wrong, slightly twisted - and just the way I like it!
Thanks Jeffy.
Posted by
A View of the C
10:05 PM
Labels: Funny
Rotten Apple?
Ok, so a lot of people ask how I like my iPhone. I like it, I don't love it. As a phone, it sucks because you practically have to "text while driving" just to make a call. To me, it's not easy to dial a call at all. A few other things I don't care for are the fact that you can't text more than one person at a time, and you can't even copy and paste the message to send to others. Nor can you forward texts. One more things on texts: no picture texting. I think Apple assumes that we all should have an iPhone or the capability to get their mail on their telephones. What I do love is the iPod, even though many say the storage isn't enough but I don't really feel you need 3,000 songs on your phone. At least you can create a folder on iTunes and move songs from your master library in and out of your iPhone folder, and therefore synch it when you want. The camera is super-basic, and there's no messaging. Much of this is because of Apple's unwillingness to share their code, applications, whatever tech-speak I remember hearing. Hopefully that will change. Now keep in mind, a new iPhone is coming out that will be 3G (faster on the web and stuff like that) but will it be a firmware update (where you just plug your phone into the computer and it downloads the newest version), NO. You'll have to spend $200 more for the device (phone) and probably a good $20 or more for the web services because now it's a BlackBerry. WHAT? Here's an article if you're curious.
Rant #2
Posted by
A View of the C
6:17 PM
Labels: Rant