Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Now We Have a Battle Ladies and Gents


Update: It looks like Hillary pulled it out (so to speak) and will win just barely over Barack, around 39% to 37% respectively.  And McCain won as well.  Can't we just get Hillary and Barack on one ticket with a little Guiliani or McCain thrown in for good measure?  Maybe they could be on-call consultants or something.  

I like Obama, I like his energy and I like his stance on many important issues.  I like his wife and her no-bullshit style.  My concern is that he doesn't have any actual experience and this is not a job that's ideal for OJT!  I'll reserve my formal decision but as long as we get change, I'm gonna be supporting it.  We need compassion, we need separation of church and state, and we need diplomacy.  We need the world to see us as a diplomatic and economical power, not as a drunk Texan who will sock you in the face if you say something he or she doesn't like.  Well, sometimes we need that too but I digress.  Remember, you can learn more about the candidates by visiting http://projects.washingtonpost.com/2008-presidential-candidates/.

Where do you get your information about candidates in order to make an informed decision? Please share with the rest of the class.  (the last time I heard those words, I was probably writing a joke on a cleverly folded piece of paper and passing it to a friend.  Or perhaps I was hiding my sugar contraband, aka Gobstoppers in my desk.) 

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