Let's break it down folks:
- Sherri Shepherd - Funny as hell, but dumb as a box of hair. Doesn't seem to have an original thought under that wig. I really had no idea when she was auditioning that she was really conservative and really, well, stupid. It's as though every topic that is brought up is the first time she's heard of something. Voting, what's that? Iran, is that in South America? But she is funny!
- Whoopi - I love Whoopi, I think we could be friends. She isn't right for the show and her breaks to commercial make me crazy. Just say, "we gotta go to commercial." Too middle of the road for what I liked this show being. You know she looks at Sherri and thinks, "damn, you are dumb!"
- Joy - LOVE Joy. She is kind of grumpy, and a little bit of a downer, but I agree most with her politically but more importantly, she goes there. You know that spot where you're spouting off something that might not be popular but you believe in it strongly, that's the spot I'm talking about.
- Elisabitch - First, I really respect that she has conviction about things. She speaks her mind, is well-spoken, and will support her Republicans no matter what they do. Today she said, "I like Huckabee's values." Yeah, I like that he thinks gay people belong in the same sentence as beastiality, necrophilia, and other horrible things. That's a little different than agreeing with someone on their tax policies, you're saying that millions of people deserve less than you. And she'll say ANYTHING to counter a Democrat issue, she'll try to poke holes in anything she can. Critical thinker to some, I say she'll just blindly support any Republican and btw Elisabitch, even many Republicans have said that Iraq probably wasn't the best move.
- Barbara - Time to retire, you slow the show down. She's funny, smart, all that good stuff. But she's so afraid of actually stating an opinion because she's a "journalist" that ultimately she ends up saying very little. And worse, all of the others are even that more boring because "Mom" is there watching.
Tivo is a blessing because now, I can just fast forward through almost every part of it. The View had a peak, and that peak is now in the rearview mirror.
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