|  |  | April 27 - May 3, 2008 |
|  | Sometimes what we argue about is what brings us together.
I read that on a movie poster. Genius. It totally captures the energy of the coming week. Let's face it, we all have mothers, brothers, friends, colleagues who we…how do I say this politely…we can't stand. Just being in the same room with them sends us into an emotional tizzy.
The Ari reveals an amazing secret about this. He says the people we hate the most come from the same soul root as we do. It is written that all of humanity comes from the soul of Adam; we are each correcting a different part of his 'original sin.'
Some of us come from the heel, some from the head, some from the heart. When we share a root soul with someone, it means we have come alive to correct similar attributes. Those of us from the head might be working on being more spiritual and less analytical, those of us from the heart might be working on having more love and compassion, those of us from the heel might be working on addiction and destructive relationships.
The Ari also says there are two levels of relationship we can experience with
people with whom we share a common correction. The first level is hatred. Because there are too manyklippot [energetic blockages] keeping us from seeing the good in the other person, we only see their filth. Although we are of the same spiritual DNA, the klippot runs so deep that it blinds us to the truth.
The second level is deep love. When we get past that which separates us, we see that this person is our soul mate. I know this is true in my own life; many of my closest friends today are people with whom I once did not get along.
This week, focus on the people that came to mind while you were reading this. I would tell you the way to break the klippot is to look for the good in them. But I won't because if you were able to, you already would have.
What I will say, is beg the Light to show you their good side. It's an important distinction. We are in total darkness without the Light. The way to turn it on is to beg for it [especially effective when done while scanning Zohar or the 72 Name below.]
Here's to new friends!
All the best, Yehuda
72 Name of the Week
I need to be painfully honest! I acknowledge every person or group of people that stir up feelings of anger, envy, malice, total disgust, or any combination thereof. With the Light of this Name, I have the power to drop the poisonous negative feelings that exist inside me!
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