Friday, August 1, 2008


Friday, August 1

I just want to tell you today that there are a lot of things you should be doing. You should be sharing more with other people. You should be eating healthier. You should be scanning your Zohar a lot more. A lot

How does it feel when you read this? Am I inspiring you? Or am I making you want to throw your computer [and me] out the window?

Should is a terrible, terrible word. It creates resistance, not rejuvenation. It implies that we are not enough. And it's a word many of us use in our own inner dialogue. And that's exactly one of the reasons we don't do the things we should do.

Should is never the reason to do something. Nor will it ever be the motivation you need.

Today, when you're feeling under the weather or your gut is getting humongous or you're having a challenging day at work or God is the last thing on your mind, tell yourself that this is your OPPORTUNITY to use the tools, to scan more, to share more, to love more, to break a habit, to expand your vessel.

Intention is the key here. Don't do anything because you should. Do it because you know how good it will feel once you do it. Do it because you want to. Do it because you're excited for the chance to put these tools to use.

But please, don't do it because you should.

P.S. You should have a great weekend!

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