Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Rep. Jim McDermott, D-Wash., delivered these remarks on the House floor Tuesday:

Mr. Speaker:
For the last two years I have struggled with the issue of whether the House should consider impeachment of a sitting President.

Next to declaring war, impeachment is the gravest matter the House of Representatives must consider.
I fully understand the gut-wrenching consequences such a national debate could precipitate. Yet, there is one fact we cannot overlook or escape.

American cannot regain its moral leadership in the world if America cannot hold its leaders accountable for their actions at home.

The allegations that would warrant impeachment keep growing.
They have been illuminated in many recent books including The Way of the World by Ron Suskind, the book by Vincent Bugliosi, and the new book by Bob Woodward, The War Within.

Over five years ago, I tried to place an asterisk in the Congressional Record next to the statements about Iraq the President made to Congress. I was attacked for saying the President would mislead us into the war, but the American people ultimately learned the truth.

There seems to be no end to the allegations and we have a responsibility to investigate their authenticity. That's why I am signing onto a resolution to consider impeachment of the President.

Without accountability, a Democracy will fail.
Thank you.


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