Monday, June 16, 2008

Calif. gay couples get marriage licenses

It's about time! If you're worried about the sanctity of marriage, outlaw divorce and then talk to me.

SAN FRANCISCO - Dozens of gay couples were married Monday after a landmark ruling making California the second U.S. state to allow same-sex nuptials went into effect.

At least five county clerks around the state extended their hours to issue marriage licenses, and many same-sex couples got married on the spot.

"These are not folks who just met each other last week and said, `Let's get married.' These are folks who have been together in some cases for decades," said Kate Kendell, executive director of the National Center for Lesbian Rights.

The May 15 California Supreme Court ruling overturning bans on same-sex marriage took effect at 5:01 p.m. Monday.

Click here for the rest of the article. 

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