Wednesday, June 25
I often hear students talking about people in their lives as "not spiritual." I have to say, I never really understand what this means. I guess it's because my mother always teaches me, "if they've got a spirit, they're spiritual." She sees everyone as a spark of the Creator.
Sure, I don't look like you and you don't look like me. That's because we are each created in the image of God differently. And for a very good reason — we all have our unique challenges to tackle in this world. Who am I to judge you as "not spiritual?"
Instead of judging people for being different than you, encourage and love them for who they are and what they do. Support them in their life process, whatever that may be.
Today, respect that everyone in your life is on their own journey. If the Light saw fit to create them and breathe life into their lungs, who are you to heap them into the unredeemable category of "not spiritual?"
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