Watch the below clip to see some Republican supporters speaking a whole lot of jibberish while at a rally for Republican VP nominee Sarah Palin. Some of the quotes sound like they should be on greeting cards at the Hillbilly Hallmark:
- “I’m afraid if he wins, the Black will take over.”
- “When you’ve got a Negro running for President, you need a first stringer. He’s definitely a second stringer.”
- “He seems like a wolf in sheep’s clothing. I believe Palin is filled with the Holy Spirit and I believe she’s going to bring honesty and integrity to the White House.”
- “He must support terrorists. If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, it must be a duck. And that to me, is Obama.”
- “Just the whole Muslim thing. A lot of people forgot about 9/11. I don’t know, it’s just a little unnerving.”
- “Obama and his wife. I’m afraid they could be anti-White.”
- “I don’t like the fact that he thinks us white people are trash. Because we’re not!”
I will say this: I appreciate the fact that they were being honest and expressing how they feel. It seems that the prejudice we hear out loud is at least something that can be dealt with, you can try to share the proper facts and hopefully educate them. I look at this as a reflection of how many people in the red states feel.
Side note: I don't want to assume that these people are poor, but I suspect they are middle-to-lower class and I always find that funny because even though they relate to the God piece most, financially Republicans probably WILL NOT HELP YOU!
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