Monday, October 6, 2008


As alway, do your research. But, see the below that I was asked to forward on: 

Bio Spot Warning

We were asked to post a warning about Bio Spot, the flea/tick topical product. This product is dangerous for you pet, dog and especially cats. The product has sickened dogs and killed cats. Here are some articles on it and also a petition if you would like to sign.
Do not use any topicals except for Advantage, Advantix or Frontline and only if needed. Other products can kill your pet. I used to work at a Veterinary Hospital and saw pets come in that were sickened by the product. If you have applied the product, use Dawn detergent to remove it.
Bio Spot, Hartz topical, any of those sold over the counter are dangerous and should be taken off the market, but they have not been. Guess they are waiting for the right number of pets to die before removing it. Read the articles, sign the petition. Thanks.

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