Friday, February 29, 2008

Japanese Maples

We just planted one of these, and that inspired me to learn more about it. The pic on the left is not ours, ours is still a baby.Tamukeyama

Purple Laceleaf Japanese Maple

"I do not compose prayers on bright silk
To present at your shrine,
But have only these maple leaves
From Mount Tamuke."
-Sugawara no Michizane

For Acer palmatum variant dissectum forma atropurpureum 'Tamukeyama,' the variant dissectum means it is a Laceleaf, Threadleaf, Split-leaf, or Cutleaf Japanese Maple. The form atropurpureum indicates purple-leaf forms. And its cultivar name is 'Tamukeyama.'

Tamukeyama is named for Mount Tamukeya in Kyushu, also known as Mushashi's Mountain because it is the site of a shrine to the famous warrior Musashi Miyamoto (1584-1645).

The meaning of the name Tamukeyama is literally "Hands folded in prayer (upon the) mountain" or "Mountain of Prayerful Offering." Tamuke can be anything spiritual, or any offering to the spirit world of divinities or of departed loved ones, but is in particular a traditional song originating among Zen monks, typically played upon the mournful shakuhachi (flute) for the souls of the remembered dead.

Especially in autumn, when bright red maple leaves arrive as prelude to deathly winter, maple-viewing inspires the same range of emotion as a beautifully played song for the dead. To sit beneath autumn maples meditating, flute-playing, or praying is the height of aesthetic angst in this world of beauty & sorrows.

This purple lace-leaf Japanese maple grows near a western cedar which gives it a small amount of shade part of the day. 'Tamukeyama' is one of the best of the upright, spreading, & semi-weeping to cascading red laceleaf, cutleaf, split-leaf or threadleaf Japanese maples. It's ten year height is eight feet; its width is ten feet.

Very old specimens can reach twenty or twenty-five feet, & will be wider than tall unless trained otherwise. The foliage emerges purple in April, ages to burgundy or maroon for summer, & turns bright red for autumn. It's a little more heat-hardy than most Japanese maples & much more sun-hardy than the typical cutleaf form, so it will hold its color even through droughty summers or in full sun, though its ideal is bright or dappled shade. It'll also do well in Zone 9, though most varieties would be heat-exhausted above Zone 8.

An heirloom variety, 'Tamukeyama' has been known by this name in Japan since 1710. Because it is color-fast even in hot summers, it has never been displaced by newer cultivars. Many laceleaf varieties are very easily scortched in summer, but 'Tamukeyama' is uncommonly scorch resistant for a laceleaf.

Its tiny flowers are reddish maroon, appearing before leafbuds are fully opened. Thse turn into maroon winged samaras that last from spring to autumn before they are ripened. Young limbs & twigs tend to be deep burgundy, as can be seen in the leaf portrait from April. The bark on older specimens frequently aquires a frosty white surface.

'Tamukeyama' exists in high-graft & low graft forms. For the last decade or so, high graft forms have been most common here in the Northwest, but in some regions it seems that low-graft & mounded weepers are more abundant than the high-graft .

The low-graft more resemble the typical mounding & weeping 'Crimson Queen' but without 'Crimson Queen's' tendency to turn green in summer. The high-graft forms tend to be only semi-weepers, having upright trunks & a winding mix of horizontal & pendulous branches, typically trained airily so that the trunk & limb structure is visible, though it can also be permitted to become so densely limbed & leafed that its structure is only visible in winter.

Hybrids - A False Solution?

I was having a "spirited" conversation with a friend last night and ultimately, I think we saw things eye-to-eye, but had different ways of getting there. Anyway, it started by me stating that I believe in the Toyota Prius and plan to trade my Volvo in for one either this year or early next year. Keep in mind, I also believe in taking the bus and made a commitment to take it 2-3 days a week, and I've done well with it even if I have slipped here and there. I also use energy-efficient light bulbs throughout a pretty good sized home, I recycle as much as I can, I don't wash clothes in hot, I turn off the water when I'm brushing my teeth, I try to use towels versus paper towels, I use eco-friendly dish soap and probably numerous other things that I can't think of. I believe that we all can make a difference and that it is our responsibility to make little changes. Anyway, my friend feels that a Prius is being sold as a solution and is basically a crock of shit because of the manufacturing costs, energy used to produce, etc. He believes that we need to recycle old cars instead of creating new one. Does anyone know off the top of their head how to do that, who does that, how much it costs for retro-fitting and the like? Nah, I didn't think so. So should we just wait for someone to provide us a big-picture solution? 

So without boring you with all of the details, I think what I took away from that conversation is appreciation for his point of view, although I find it to be an excuse on his part. See, I think that a lot of people try to ignore the little things that one can do that makes a difference. One person telling 5, that person telling 5 more, etc...that makes a difference. Buying a Prius might not be a solution per se, but if I plan to buy a new car I am at least making a difference. Imagine that multiplied by the millions of them sold. Taxis are using hybrids, vans are going green, on and on. 

Having said all of that, it is not the only answer. The answer, in my opinion, is incenting the everyday person to use reusable materials and more eco-friendly options. For example, many people don't really care that much, and their only incentive is money. If a hybrid costs more, why buy it? And you know what, that's a very valid point. Why aren't those car prices subsidized by the government to make them more appealing to the new car buyer? Well, maybe because our current government doesn't want us to use less gas, wink wink. What if businesses were incentivized to build green, be LEED certified, or maybe they are and I just am not aware of it? One solution cannot be without the other but think of this, if the general public pushes and demands for more eco-friendly products, whether it be dishwashing soap or a car or a house, then businesses should follow because they want money, pure and simple. And if businesses produce these things, people will follow. It's an interdependent relationship. 

The one thing that pisses me off is to hear somebody I care about marginalize issues that I care about. If I care about animals, why do I wear leather, eat meat, etc.? Again, valid question but does it have to be all or nothing? I mean, can you equate a fur coat with a daily staple in your diet or shoes in your wardrobe? Maybe you can, but it's a bit of a leap. If you don't make things into bite-size pieces, people will say, "that's too hard" and do nothing. It's totally true, and people need to feel that making a modification or two does make a difference. I eat less meat, I recycle more than I ever did, I look at labels, I try to educate myself and then others. 

The bottom line: Become the change you want to make. It's not about being perfect, it's about trying to be better. 

Boeing Loses $40 Billion Air Force Deal - DAMMIT!

From CNET: Boeing officials must be feeling a little bit like the New England Patriots after the aerospace giant on Friday lost out on a $40 billion Air Force deal.

According to The Wall Street Journal, Boeing was considered the favorite to win a $40 billion deal to build midair refueling tankers for the Air Force, but lost out in the end to a consortium made up of Los Angeles-based Northrop Grumman and the European Aeronautic Defence & Space, parent company of jet maker Airbus.

"Boeing was heavily favored to win the contract," the Journal reported. "It had been on the verge of sewing up a similar tanker deal in 2001, only to see it unravel after the revelation that a top Boeing official had conducted illegal job negotiations with an Air Force acquisition official who later joined the company. That thrust Boeing into a years-long ethics scandal, and the U.S. put the contract up for rebidding."

Still, heading into the Air Force's final decision on the deal, Boeing was seen as the front-runner for the contract, and even those at Northrop Grumman were expecting to be shut out.

But the Air Force thought otherwise.

"Northrop Grumman clearly provided the best value to the government," the Journal quoted Air Force acquisitions official Sue Payton as saying.

According to the Air Force, the contract was for the right to build up to 179 tanker aircraft, to be called the KC-45A, for the Air Force.

"The tanker is our No. 1 procurement priority right now," said Air Force Gen. Duncan McNabb in a press release about the deal. "Buying the new KC-45A is a major step forward and another demonstration of our commitment to recapitalizing our Eisenhower-era inventory of these critical national assets."

The KC-45A is expected to be able to provide refueling to both Air Force and Navy planes, while its predecessor, the KC-135, must be configured for one or the other before takeoff.

Amante Pizza and Pasta

I've been sick, so ordering in is always a nice option - there's nothing better than getting what your heart craves when you're feeling like hell. I order the Chicken Parm and it ROCKS, and it seems they know us very well by now - sad, but true.

Here's their site: Amante Pizza and Pasta

Salt N Pepa - VH1

So, they've had discord and needed to work things out and despite that this is a TV show, some of the therapeutic techniques they employed were quite touching - the last 3 vids in particular. Have a look if you can stand the effin commercials. And Pep, you are a HOT MESS - love you.

Celebrity Rehab

Dr. Drew, you rock. And frankly, you're hot. But let's go deeper: clearly, these people thought they were going to Disneyland for rehab and weren't willing to do much more than treat it as summer camp, with the exception of Brigitte Nielsen (whom I adore) and even Chyna (although she doesn't fess up to even having a problem). Camera time, that's the only way I can see it - they wanted camera time. 

Debt Collection - Your Rights

Here's some expert advice on how to fight back against unethical collectors. The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act requires that debt collectors treat you fairly. This doesn't mean you won't have to pay your legitimate debt. But here are some basic rights:

  • A debt collector cannot call you before 8 a.m. or after 9 p.m., unless you agree.
  • You cannot be contacted at work if the collector knows your employer disapproves.
  • If you don't want to hear from a debt collector, write a letter telling them to stop. By law, they have to. Remember, the debt won't go away and you can still be sued.
  • The debt collector can contact your attorney -- if you have one. If not, your friends and family can be asked about how to get in touch with you.
  • A debt collector can't misrepresent the amount of your debt.
  • A debt collector also cannot use profane or threatening language.
  • Debt collectors can't say that they will put a lien on your property or file a lawsuit unless the agency really means to do that and it's legal.
  • Collectors can't legally claim federal benefits, such as Social Security or your retirement accounts, like your IRA or 401(k).
Once you're contacted by phone, you have the right to get a notice that outlines your debt, whom you owe money to, and what action to take if you don't owe the money. Keep in mind that a debt collector can collect a debt owed by an ex-spouse. If the debt was incurred while you married, you may be liable for the debt after a divorce even if the divorce papers state your spouse is responsible for paying off the debt.

If you've been contacted by a debt collector, but you don't think you owe a debt, you must write a return letter stating that the debt is not yours within 30 days. Once a collector receives your letter, they should send you proof of the debt, such as a copy of the bill. Don't be coerced into paying a debt you don't owe. If you do pay just to get rid of the debt collectors, it's an admission of guilt, and it will have a negative impact on your credit score.

Keep in mind that some debt has an expiration date. There is a limit to how long collectors can legally collect your debt. Generally this limit - called the statute of limitations - can range from three to 15 years according to Ridout. Check with your state's attorney general's office to find out the limit in your state. You can find out who to contact at

Sometimes debt collectors will try to collect on this old debt called zombie debt because it never goes away. Make sure you don't accept a new credit offer from a creditor you never repaid. Once that creditor renews your credit relationship, the clock starts ticking all over again on your state's statute of limitations.

If you think you've been treated unfairly by a debt collector, take action. File a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission at 877-FTC-HELP or go to You should also contact your state attorney general's office.

You also have the right to sue a debt collector in state or federal court within a year of the date the law is violated. A victory will allow you to recover money for the damages you suffered plus an additional amount up to $1,000. A group may also sue a collector and for damages up to $500,000, or one percent of the collector's net worth, whichever is less.

And the federal government plays by slightly different rules. In 1996, Congress passed the Debt Collection Improvement Act which allows the government to take a portion of federal retirement, federal salary and Social Security benefit checks to cover non-tax debts owed to the government.

There are some debts that you can't get rid of. If you don't pay your federal student loans for example, debt collectors can garnish your Social Security wages and prevent you from renewing any state licenses according to Mark Kantrowitz of Debt collectors can even dip into your tax refund. Other debts like past-due child support and federal tax liens tend to stick with you.
(source: CNN)

Mike Huckabee Does Tyra

Is it possible to think being gay is "unnatural" and still be a gay population's President? If you're talking fiscally and many other policies, perhaps. If you're talking basic human rights, no, because he doesn't think we are equal to him, he thinks it's a choice like wearing a bad hairpiece. So therefore, he wouldn't get my vote or maybe he should get only 50% of my vote since I'm only 50% of a citizen in his eyes. Bye bye Huckabee. 

The Love Guru - Movie Trailer

Mike Myers, Jessica Alba, and Justin Timberlake in a Speedo - what more can you ask for? 

The History of the World by Stefan Nadelman - Told In Food Fight Form

Food Fight is an abridged history of war, from World War II to present day, told through the foods of the countries in conflict. Watch as traditional comestibles slug it out for world domination in this chronologically re-enacted smorgasbord of aggression. There's a cool cheat sheet on that site too. How cool!

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Scary Movie - Best of Brenda

Brenda is THE BOMB. Funny as hell, everything she says is hysterical.

We're businesswomen...

Romy and Michelle, watch this and you will have quotes for life. "What kind of business you in?"

LMAO! Below:

Wal-Mart Bakery

So, the story goes:

Someone calls Wal-Mart bakery (yes, they have one in the Super Stores or whatever) and wants the writing on the cake to say, "Best Wishes Suzanne" and then underneath that, "We Will Miss You". This is what the cake looks like. 

(source: Just Jared)

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Kelly Clarkson - Stuff Like That There

The first American Idol, this is when I knew she was something - I didn't really notice her that much before, but THIS made me think, "Wow, she's gonna take this - I love her." Funny enough, Simon didn't like her before this, they had footage of him saying something to the effect of "I don't like this girl." I suspect he changed his mind after this performance.

Mooriah's Video - Touch My Body

Props to Mariah for having a sense of humor, it helps debunk that ice-princess and faux-gangsta girl thing she usually has going on. Beauty and the geek, which is which? She still has the whole right side of her face thing going on but I guess everyone has a favorite side right? Um, let's just say yes, I'm being kind today.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

American Idol - David Archuleta - Imagine

I'm not really an AI fan, but this performance was AMAZING - he played with the melody and his voice kind of glided along the scales with perfect ease. I was and am still in awe. And he's 17 - wow. David Archuleta, I suspect we'll see your name again.


As you probably know, the U.K. had an earthquake of 4.8 and while not that strong, I'm sure it was scary nonetheless. The strongest they've ever had is a 6.1 and that was in 1931. 

Now, if you know me, you know that I'm terrified of natural disasters. Having said that, I found a video showing earthquakes as they happened and of course, I'm more freaked out now than ever! Yes, I'm a dumb-ass.

For you Seattle-ites, here's a simulation of the 520 bridge during an earthquake, assuming it were to not withstand it. Two words: holy shit.

Mad TV: Kappa For a Day

For Jill.

Outfoxed - Rupert Murdoch's War on Journalism

Still think Fox or the media as a whole is unbiased? Watch this. It's fascinating and scary. Part 7 is particularly interesting when it examines how the "flip flop" label helped to destroy John Kerry's chance for President.

Saving Mankind - The "Doomsday" Vault

Amazing, watch it.

Sharks In Florida - Watch This

Beautiful really, as long as you're not in the water wearing a tube-steak belt. 

Janet Jackson - Why Bother?

Above is the new song "Feedback" where she doesn't even try to sing and down below is "That's the Way Love Goes" and I'm not sure why she didn't just create a hologram of herself, or film it from her living room in some beat-ass chair. Oh well, if you like her and want to see a "performance" from her, have a look. 

Madonna - New Album Called "Hard Candy"

Her rep, Liz Rosenberg, tells EW that Madonna chose to stick with the sweet theme because “she loves candy. It’s about the juxtaposition of tough and sweetness, or as Madonna so eloquently expressed ‘I’m gonna kick your ass, but it’s going to make you feel good.’”
(source: Entertainment Weekly)

Atta girl! It's gonna be hip-hop flavored with a good helping of pop sensibilities. April 29, with her first single "4 Minutes" being released at the end of March. The album, which features Justin Timberlake on multiple tracks and production by Pharrell Williams, Timbaland, and Nate "Danja" Hill. Danja also worked on Britney's "Blackout" and while that didn't sell well, it's a hot disc yo.

The buzz is good, so watch out y'all. 

Someone Is Happy

That someone is surely not the floor, nor the camera man, nor the downstairs neighbor. Ewww...

Woo Woo, Hop on Board the Crazy Train!

He's kind, interesting.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Oh Mariah... Videos

45-second preview of her new video, "Touch My Body". Uh, no thanks Mariah.

Have a Seat - You Should Be Fine

Many people are afraid of germs, particularly in public restrooms. Now, this topic might seem somewhat gross but you know it's true. If you HAVE to go, and you know what I'm talking about, a public restroom might be your only option. Most people probably look at the toilet in slow-motion and imagine what the hell they're going to catch if they sit down on it. Anyway, according to one study, the toilet seat is the cleanest location in the entire bathroom, holding only about 49 bacteria per square inch. To give you a point of reference, an office telephone has about 25,000 per square inch. The sinks and the levers at the sink is actually the dirtiest of them all, so use a paper towel as much as you can when closing up your zipper and making your way to the exit door, including ON the exit door. Wash your hands frequently, keep an anti-bacterial at your desk, whatever. Good luck and happy germ busting.


Joan Van Ark, please stop. Your freedom of self-expression stops when it meets my eyes. Lord have mercy!

Green Earth Cleaning

Can the dry cleaning chemicals cause cancer or at least increase your risk-level for cancer? As of now, it's inconclusive, but there are indications that the perc might cause cancer of the esophagus and bladder, but it's not certain. If you smell your clothes after they come back from the cleaner and the smell is strong, your clothes might have left over perc (perchloroethylene) from the cleaner's extraction process. Obviously, airing those out would help, or you can switch cleaners to one that uses nontoxic, chemically inert D5 liquid silicone. 

Phew, that took a lot to write. Anyway, you can find a new earth-friendly cleaner by going to Green Earth Cleaning and finding one near you.  It could help yourself and the environment at the same time - which is really the same thing no? 

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Jimmy Kimmel Is F-ing Ben Affleck?

A response to Sarah Silverman F-ing Matt Damon. The Josh Groban addition is a classic touch. Lots of celebs in the "We Are The World" spoof section, so have a look if you want a laugh.

OMG - My Teeth Are Going to Turn Yellow!

I was reading a magazine (Details) and they listed the top 8 things that will turn your teeth yellow, or rather, at least stain your teeth if you aren't careful. Basically, I've had almost everything on the list THIS WEEKEND - oy vey! I read that it's not about the actual color of the thing you're eating but rather, about how aggressively it bonds to your teeth - something called tannins are in them and they are like velcro to your teeth. Yikes. Anyway, here's the list:

  1. Tomato Sauce
  2. Blueberries
  3. Balsamic vinegar
  4. Soy sauce
  5. Red wine
  6. Coffee
  7. Tea
  8. Cigarettes
  9. Water (I made that one up)
This information is according to GoSmile founder Dr. Jonathan Levine.

VIP Service - Quintessentially

How cool would this be, a company that provides you personal services and takes care of the little things in life. Reservations, odd requests, and the like. A personal valet service if you will. According to Details Magazine, they helped a client be the 121st person to reach the North Pole.

I guess it's around $5,000 a year, but it's kind of cool. And no, I won't be joining anytime soon - but if you have the bucks, it might be something to consider.

Click here for more information.

Product Recommendation -

So a few friends and I are fans of cologne, not in that gold-chain, late night dancing at the local Black Angus kind of way. Rather, we just happen to be fond of colognes that smell good - I personally like sweet smells because you know, I'm street like that. Anyway, we've been buying cologne from Scentiments for a few years now and I've never been less than satisfied with my purchases and their service really is excellent. Delivery is fast. 
My personal strategy is to read magazines, go into some of those smelly stores with all of the colognes lined up, one in particular that rhymes with Lenora (haha) and then I come home and check to see if they have it online. Before you say "Designer Imposters", let me say that it's legit and I know because I've bought a bunch from them, as have my most scent-snobby friends! But don't take my word for it, the reason why their prices are cheaper is that either they buy a large volume from the manufacturer or they get the tester bottles and can sell them without the fancy packaging. 

From their site:
How is it that's prices are so much lower department stores? buys and sells designer fragrances in volume so that we can negotiate the lowest price possible from the manufacturer, allowing us to pass those savings along to our customers. Our unbeatable prices and wide selection of brand name products make us the premiere online destination for affordable fragrances and skin care products. 

What is a tester?
We've all been in department stores and been approached by the fragrance salesperson offering to give us a sample spray, and you notice the line-up of testers on the shelf. Testers are made by the manufacturer to help promote their perfume products by allowing customers to try the fragrance before purchasing. buys unused testers directly from the manufacturer - with the entire original quantity in the container. 

What sparked this was my weekend browsing/shopping trip and finding some of the colognes appealing but a bit high in price - I'm a father of four now, animals but still - they gotsta eat! I checked out Diesel Fuel for Life and it's a good $9 cheaper on the site and that's not even the best deal I've ever gotten - not even close. So, check them out. Tell them I sent you and I'm sure they'll say, "Who the hell?" but it'll be fun - try it.

Tom Ford Has the Hottest Ads

Here I am waiting for my bus, she wanted to borrow my bus pass.

Hot ad though! 

From My Email With Love

Farewell to Arms
FEBRUARY 24 - MARCH 1, 2008

I was at a coffeehouse the other day and overheard a conversation between a father and his son. The son, who appeared to be home from college, asked his dad, "Do you think there will be peace in the Middle East?" The father put down his paper and said, "You can't get along with your mother, how do you expect the Palestinians and the Israelis to get along?"

After a good laugh, I got to thinking how wise and profound that simple statement was. It's easy to get behind a cause or a political figure or a movement but perhaps causes and political figures and movements would be more effective if we got behind the most important cause of all - creating peace between me and everybody in my life.

The Kabbalists' solution to peace in the world is to address the root cause of fragmentation and separation in the world:

Our own intolerant behavior towards one another.

Picture this: you wake up in a bad mood. Rather than be the loving husband, mother, or father you normally are, you are a little grumpy. When someone asks you to pass the butter, you chuck it. Dairy products, when mishandled, can easily ruin someone's day. When you finally get out of house and on the expressway, you are a little aggressive. Cutting someone off on the road can easily ruin someone's day. You get to the office, you're in a meeting, and a junior colleague is pushing a proposal that goes against your own. You shut him down with a roll of your eyes and a cutting remark. Lowering someone else's self esteem can easily ruin someone's day.

I can go on but I think you get the point. It's basic math:

one angry person + one happy person = two angry people.

If you are going to be intolerant or judgmental or cynical or sarcastic (pent up anger that is misdirected) you can't ask "Why me?" when others treat you with the same bag of tricks, or when the world at large is spinning off its axis.

This week, I think it behooves each and every one of us to examine our own behavior, and to decide to put a ban on the weapons we use in our daily lives. These weapons being our negative words and misbehaviors.

Once we can all look at our daily lives and see we are making leaps and bounds in the way of accepting others' beliefs, opinions and behaviors, only then can we expect to see tribes and nations treating one another with tolerance and human dignity.

All the best,


72 Name of the Week

Farewell to Arms – Mem Bet Hei

Just as the light of a bulb banishes darkness from a room, conflict on every scale — between people arguing about a parking space, or between nations arguing about an oil field — is brought to a peaceful end through the Light of this Name.

Me: It's not about being perfect, it's about being better - and this helps me learn to be better.

Gary Busey + Red Carpet = Crazy

Jennifer Garner (whom I adore) looked stunned, and Ryan Seacrest looked frighted as any good queen would. Ryan, flash your white smile to blind him, or I might recommend a quick fire of hairspray in the eyes, or you can always rely upon your earthquake-creating superpower to elude him. You have options!

2008 Oscar Winners

Click here for the list of the 2008 Oscar winners.

What Causes a Hangover?

Can anyone guess what I did last night? Yeah, I had 2 drinks max. and then had a glass of wine. In the world of drinker rankings, I'm a total pussy. True. Here's some information I learned while figuring out how to prevent myself from feeling like I was run over and left for dead:

There are a number of factors that play a part in whether or not you will get a hangover after a night of drinking. Many of the causes are obvious and most of us know what our own limitations are. It goes without saying that the one true way to avoid a hangover is to avoid or severely limit the amount alcohol you consume.

The ethanol contained in alcoholic beverages has a dehydrating effect which causes headaches, dry mouth and tiredness. This effect can be lessened by drinking plenty of water before and throughout your night of drinking.

Your liver breaks ethanol down with the aid of enzymes produced by liver cells. These chemical reactions do many things including impairing the liver’s ability to supply glucose to tissues, in particular to the brain.

Glucose is responsible for the brain’s energy and the lack thereof results in fatigue, weakness, moodiness and decreased attention.

Congeners are the by-products of the process of alcohol fermentation and exaggerate the symptoms of a hangover. The more congeners consumed, the worse a hangover is likely to be. Dark spirits such as brandy, whiskey and red wine contain more congeners than lighter spirits like vodka and white wine. Likewise cheaper spirits have had fewer of these impurities removed and are more likely to cause a hangover.

Some people believe the sugar in sweeter cocktails contribute to the severity of hangovers.
Smokers and even some non-smokers tend to smoke more when they are drinking and this can lead to nicotine poisoning which will also worsen hangovers. Some people are genetically lucky when it comes to hangovers and rarely, if ever, suffer the effects.

Weight is a factor. The less one weighs the more that person will feel the effects and after effects of alcohol.The older you are the more likely you are to have a severe hangover. This is usually not a factor because we tend to take it a little easier as we learn from the mistakes of the past. But you have been warned.

There is something to be said about psychosomatic effects. If you think you will get a hangover, you probably will get one. Look on the bright side and save yourself.

Finally, the more you drink or the more you guzzle in a short time span, the worse your hangover will be.

Before your night out begins and throughout the night you can make some wise decisions that will lessen the effects of your misery the next day. Who knows, you may even avoid one completely.

Before you drink:

Eat. Fill your stomach with a healthy meal of starches and essential vitamins and minerals. Note that I said healthy. The food will absorb the alcohol and lessen it’s effects on you. If you decide a greasy bar burger or drippy pizza is your idea of a good meal you may regret that idea when the grease mixes the wrong way with liquor and carbonation and you end up staring at the toilet bowl.

Hydrate. Drink lots of fruit juice and water now. Think of it this way, for every glass of non-alcoholic beverage you drink now you will save yourself from having to drink two glasses in the morning.

Prepare your favorite hangover remedy and place it in an easy to open container in the fridge. If you do over indulge the last thing you will want to do in the morning is gather ingredients, mix things and worse yet, run the blender.

A clinical study from 2004 suggests that drinking prickly pear fruit extract several hours prior to drinking will reduce the symptoms of a hangover.

Try one of the many anti-hangover remedies found at convenience store registers and drug stores. I have heard good and bad things about these but have never tried them personally, but it is an option.

While you drink:

Grab a bite to eat at the bar. This is where greasy fries would be okay to eat because it is a snack that will keep your stomach full and add extra material to absorb the alcohol. Bar peanuts, popcorn, any type of food will do the job.

Choose the booze carefully. Again, dark spirits contain more congeners, light spirits fewer, cheap liquor more. More congeners equal more headaches. Stick with quality light color drinks most of the night to reduce your hangover.

Memorize this rhyme and abide by it, it will save you a lot of pain. “Liquor before beer, never fear. Beer before liquor, never sicker.”

Alternate alcoholic with non-alcoholic beverages. This trick will slow your alcohol consumption down and still give you something to drink. Choose water, fruit juices or light carbonated beverages. If you are worried about what your friends may think order a mocktail or dress up a straight virgin beverage with a garnish and lie. Call Sprite or 7-Up with a lime a Vodka Tonic or orange juice a Screwdriver or cranberry juice with a lime a Cape Codder. They are probably too drunk to know the difference and who cares anyway, you will feel so much better in the morning than they will, HA!

Consume less than one drink per hour. Your liver breaks down alcohol at the rate of one beer per hour, so spreading out your drinking over many hours will give your body a chance to keep up with you.

Once you make it home and before you crash on the bed force yourself to drink a glass of water and take some Vitamin B. This is also not the time to take any headache medicine (Acetaminophen, Ibuprofen, Aspirin) as they could seriously damage your liver.


Saturday, February 23, 2008

Hillary's Mad As a Wet Wasp

Tranny Get Your Gun

Ok, so I think these "ladies" are friends but it's kind of hard to tell when one of them yanks the weave (hair) of the other and then IT'S ON! There's a whole lot of questions in my head from this video, have a look.

Joan Rivers Oscar Coverage - Can We Talk?

From the Joan Rivers website (shut up!):

We're back!


Los Angeles, CA and New York, NY – February 22, 2008 – The queens of the red carpet will bring their signature Oscar commentary exclusively to AOL’s, (, for the 80th Annual Academy Awards. Beginning Monday morning, no-holds-barred red carpet recap video will be available at (, featuring Joan and Melissa Rivers as they dish on the good, the bad and the ugly of Oscar night. They will also crown their choice for best and worst dressed.

For the first time ever, the women who founded the red carpet phenomenon bring their commentary online to better engage the audience with multiple interactive components. Visitors to will be able to comment on the night’s fashions and videos and test their Oscar knowledge with a quiz on past fashion moments. Photos of the iconic Oscar dresses of the past 50 years, style predictions and photos from this year’s red carpet will also accompany the videos.

“Joan and Melissa are icons of red carpet style and commentary and we’re thrilled they have decided to bring their spirited opinions directly to our online community,” said Laura Eisman, Editorial Director for “’s interactive format puts fans in the action, allowing them to join the discussion of the hits and misses of Academy Awards fashion.”

“We are absolutely thrilled that AOL has taken the initiative to give viewers a choice of not only watching, but being an integral part of our coverage,” said comedienne Joan Rivers. “The Internet super highway is now covered in red carpet.”

O - Cirque du Soleil

Art in motion, I would love to see one of these. Next time I'm in Vegas, count on it.

Gives me chills.

Dita Von Teese

How hot is this woman - sexy without being trashy. Very much a throwback to a more glamorous time. Very Bettie Page, just stunning. The art of the burlesque, watch her work.

John McCain for President? Part two.

Can this guy be our next President, should this guy be our next President? The New York Times article implies many things, but one thing it implies is his "platonic" relationship with a major lobbyist named Vicki Iseman. Click here to read the NY Times article, the article that he tried to kill before it came out. Looking to hide something? There goes my vote, hehe.

Go Hillary! Or Barack! 

Get Your Flu Shots Everybody

Keep in mind, typically the flu is only deadly for people with a compromised immune system, such as the very young or old, or people with diseases. Either way, nobody likes to get the flu, so get a shot - it just might help. Now, if you are looking to lose some weight, maybe the flu isn't such a bad thing - I won't judge!

How To Get a Good Fare?

Watch this:

Rosie and Fran - New Show!

It's no secret I'm a Rosie fan, a HUGE one. Anyway, she had her friend Fran Drescher (The Nanny) over and right around the 12:30 mark or so, they briefly mention a new show they're working on. I would still love to see Rosie do some sort of "Crossfire" type of show, because she has lots to say, whether you like her or not. Even before they mention the show, there's lots of good information about how women (and men) can get tested for cancer, and what struggles are faced with those dastardly insurance companies. Truly inspiring Fran, I'm very impressed.

I Love This Art


Go to Jack Gallery to see more amazing art, very clever and somewhat sweet - with a slightly dark sense of humor. At least that's how I see it. But you know how art is, everyone sees something different! Therein lies the beauty of it.

Friday, February 22, 2008

It's Friday Y'all!

For anyone who makes you scratch your head with their non-sensible words, send them this and watch the confusion.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Israeli politician claims gays cause earthquakes

Man oh man, another power to add to my utility belt. 

An outspoken member of Israel's parliament has said recent earthquakes that have hit the country are a consequence of gay rights laws.

Shlomo Benizri, who is a member of the ultra-Orthodox Shas party, was speaking in a Knesset (parliament) debate on earthquake preparedness.

After reading passages from the Old Testament, he said that in his view one cause of earthquakes is that "the Knesset gives legitimacy to sodomy.

"A cost-effective way of averting earthquake damage would be to stop passing legislation on how to encourage homosexual activity in the State of Israel, which anyways causes earthquakes."

The chair of Israel's LGBT Association told Ynetnews:

"It is sad that a religious MK (MP) in Israel doesn't think earthquakes are God-made.

"On the other hand, I suppose we should be flattered he attributes us with such magical powers."

Mr Benizri's comments echo those of fundamentalist Christians.

Last July the Rt Rev Graham Dow, the Bishop of Carlisle, shocked the liberal wing of the Church of England by suggesting that floods that caused chaos and death across the UK were caused by God after he was provoked by the introduction of gay equality.

"This is a strong and definite judgment because the world has been arrogant in going its own way," he said.

"We are reaping the consequences of our moral degradation, as well as the environmental damage that we have caused."

In November 2005 a councillor for the Democratic Unionist Party in Northern Ireland tried to blame the gay community for Hurricane Katrina, which devastated New Orleans.

Maurice Mills said it was a judgement from God:

"The media failed to report that the hurricane occurred just two days prior to the annual homosexual event called the Southern Decadence Festival, which the previous year had attracted an estimated 125,000 people."

(source: Pink News UK)


Wow, I wish I had that power - I would be one hell of a customer in my most recent customer service situations. "If you don't refund my money, I'm about to make this building come crashing down - just one flick of my wrist and you're going to be buried in rubble!" 

You Offered Me What?

There's this little story in the news from a while back that you might find interesting. Bob Kitts, an Ohio contractor, was working on renovating a Depression-era home and he found a little something in the walls - that little something was $182,000 in cash! 

Well, the homeowner was kind and grateful and offered him about 10%.

I guess he's now suing for all of it. What do you think? Would you accept 10% because at least it's something, or would you think that they never would have found anything so you should get it all, or at least more? Would you have told the owner in the first place?

2-in-1 Products

If you're a guy and you've thought, "Hey, how can I make my routine in the morning just a little bit shorter" - I might have a solution. I'm all about process, improving process, finding the sensible shortcut without losing functionality or purpose. There is now a two-in-one shaving cream and after you're finished shaving, you just rub the excess lotion or cream right in and then you're good to go! Cool right? Apparently it has eucalyptus and peppermint oils in it to lift the hairs and wheat protein and licorice to moisturize after. (No, not Red Vines if that's what you were thinking.)

It's called Anthony Logistics Action for Men 2-in-1 Shave Cream and you can buy it at Barneys online. Here's the link. Or you can buy it here at ShopStyle - your choice.

But wait, it does not stop there. I once thought (I swear!) that they should have some sort of shampoo that has hair product that remains behind, you know what I mean? Well, another invention lost! Matrix makes one that has a cleanser, conditioner, AND a light pomade - I use pomade, holla!  Click the pic below if you want to go to Matrix online. 
Lastly, how about a body-wash and shampoo in one? Oh yes, I did. Clarins Mens Total has vitamin B5 and that takes the redness out of your skin but also strengthens and conditions your hair. Then there's bison grass and Chinese ginger just to refresh you a little bit and make you feel like the King I am, I mean YOU are. 

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Scary Movie 2 - Tickle Tickle

Funny as hell, I own this movie and I'm not a huge spoof fan. But this one, this one is funny!

AWQ, this one's for you.

Gay Cal's Jr. Commercial

So wrong, yet so right.
(Thanks Matt)

2008 Brit Awards - Paul McCartney

Great performance and that's good, cause Paul's got to pay da bills and by bills, I mean Heather Mills! He totally has a leg up though. (bad joke)

2008 Brit Awards - Leona Lewis "Bleeding Love"

Don't we already have Mariah Carey? Ugh.

We Have a Hit!


WASHINGTON - A missile launched from a Navy ship successfully struck a dying U.S. spy satellite passing 130 miles over the Pacific on Wednesday, a defense official said.

Two officials said the missile was launched successfully just after 10:30 p.m. ET. One official, who is close to the process, said it hit the target. He said details on the results were not immediately known.

The goal in this first-of-its-kind mission for the Navy was not just to hit the satellite but to obliterate a tank aboard the spacecraft carrying 1,000 pounds of a toxic fuel called hydrazine.

To read more, click here.

What scares me about this is that what we hear in the media is often just a  small part of what the truth is, and for good reason - we don't want mass panic, and I would be one of the people having a panic. Why the urgency to shoot it down? What was it really doing up there? Where is the debris going to land, and where would it have landed had we not shot it down? Are we talking another Grand Canyon? Probably not because it was the size of a school bus. I'm not, however, a physics expert so I can't say what damage it would have caused had it fallen whole. Either way, the whole thing kind of freaks me out. 

Pink - Who Knew (Live)

Watch it all, I love the backup singers! Right about 2:40 they get wild - love love love it.

2008 Brit Awards - Rihanna and The Klaxons

Great visuals, long live lasers!

2008 Brit Awards - Amy Winehouse and Mark Ronson

Shake it Amy, get the coke dust off. KIDDING, you looked great girl.

2008 Brit Awards - Kylie Performing "WOW"

I like to call this Madonna-lite.

Navy waits for satellite kill shot - YIKES!

From CNN:

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Navy gunners in the Pacific were watching the sea and sky Wednesday, waiting for perfect conditions to take a kill shot on an errant satellite 150 miles above them.


A Delta II rocket lifts off, carrying a reconnaissance satellite that failed hours later.

They have just a 10-second window to fire, a Pentagon official said, and may not be able to take their shot on their first opportunity at 10:30 p.m. ET Wednesday.

"It's not enough to say 'no,' but we're watching the weather," the official told reporters at the Pentagon. "It's on the margin."

The cruiser USS Lake Erie will get one 10-second window each of the next nine or 10 days to fire an interceptor missile that will destroy the faltering spy satellite before it can tumble to Earth and -- possibly -- release a cloud of toxic gas.

The Pentagon said the window of opportunity to strike the 5,000-pound satellite opened Wednesday, when the space shuttle Atlantis landed in Florida. The Pentagon wanted to be sure the shuttle would not be struck by any debris from a destroyed satellite.

But the official said conditions have to be perfect, and that was not the case Wednesday with swells in the Pacific Ocean west of Hawaii running slightly higher than Navy would like. Video Watch how Navy plans to shoot down satellite »

The National Weather Service forecast 12- to 15-foot seas west of Hawaii Wednesday with a storm developing in the area.

The United States plans to spend up to $60 million to try to destroy the satellite even though there is only a remote possibility the satellite could fall to Earth, survive re-entry and spew toxic gas in a populated area, said James Jeffrey, deputy national security adviser.

"The regret factor of not acting clearly outweighed the regret factor of acting," he said.

The Chinese military destroyed an aging weather satellite last year, prompting questions about whether the United States is merely flexing its muscle to show an economic and military rival that it can destroy satellites, too. Jeffrey denied that when a reporter asked him about it this week.

"This is all about trying to reduce the danger to human beings," he said.

In 1989, a U.S. fighter jet destroyed a U.S. satellite by firing a modified air-to-air missile into space from an altitude of 80,000 feet. That adds to evidence that the U.S. is acting Wednesday strictly to guard against the prospect of a potential disaster, said Gen. James Cartwright, vice-chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff.

Without intervention, officials say, the satellite would fall to Earth on its own in early March. However, since it malfunctioned immediately after it was launched in December 2006, it has a full tank -- about 1,000 pounds -- of frozen, toxic hydrazine propellant.

Authorities said the fuel tank likely would survive re-entry and could disperse harmful or even potentially deadly fumes over an area the size of two football fields. Hydrazine is similar to chlorine or ammonia in that it affects the lungs and breathing tissue.

The goal is to strike the satellite in low orbit, just before it re-enters the Earth's atmosphere, at an altitude of about 150 miles. The missile will not carry a warhead. The idea is to blast the satellite apart on impact so that the hydrazine tank explodes.

The smaller debris would be more likely to burn up in the atmosphere. Most of the debris would re-enter the atmosphere within hours of impact, NASA Administrator Michael Griffin has said.

The military has timed its shoot-down attempt so that resulting debris will tumble into the atmosphere and not interfere with other satellites, said Christina Rocca, a U.S. diplomat and expert on disarmament. Her comments were included in an online United Nations report on this month's Conference on Disarmament in Geneva, Switzerland.

The military also has timed its efforts to minimize the chances that debris will hit populated areas. But the United States is "prepared to offer assistance to governments to mitigate the consequences of any satellite debris impacts on their territory," according to a report of Rocca's remarks on the Web site of the Geneva office of the U.N.

If the satellite is not destroyed, she said, it is expected to make an "uncontrolled re-entry into the Earth's atmosphere" on or about March 6.

President Bush made the decision to shoot the satellite down after consulting with several government and military officials and aerospace experts, Jeffrey said earlier in February.

One Pentagon official said that since early January, a Navy team including 200 industry experts and scientists has been working furiously to modify the Aegis air-defense missile system so it could shoot down the satellite. Among the team's challenges was modifying the sensors designed to detect the heat from an incoming warhead, as the satellite will be much cooler.

The Lake Erie, an Aegis-equipped cruiser, will be joined in the Pacific by two destroyers, the USS Decatur and the USS Russell.

The Lake Erie will fire the missile, while the Decatur will feed the trajectory to the Erie. The Russell will serve as the Decatur's backup, authorities have said.

The satellite and the missile will be heading toward each other at about 22,000 mph. The satellite is about the size of a school bus, authorities have said; the missile will be aimed at its fuel tank, which is about 3 or 4 feet long.

The missile would release a "kinetic kill vehicle," enabling it to "see" the satellite and adjust its course toward it if necessary, officials have said.


More Japanese Pranks

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

New Indiana Jones Trailer

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, are you ready to go back for more? Release date: 5/22/08.

iPod Shuffle - Apple Does It Again!

Devil bastards! Every damned time I buy something new from Apple, they go and lower the price, make mine obsolete, and it just pisses me off. I should get some sort of credit or maybe I should just get my head examined for being such a sucker. Here's their latest act of cannibalism:

  • Apple announced a new iPod Shuffle with double the storage space and slashing the price of its 1GB models to $49.
  • They'll start selling 2GB models for $69 later this month.
Let me break this down: up until now, you could buy the cute little Shuffle with 1GB for $79 and now you get double the memory for 10 bucks less. What a fucking thrill. I don't have a crystal ball but I suspect people will stop buying for fear they're going to buy right before the next re-design, or maybe we'll all just continue being stupid and succumbing to that alluring yet annoying store. 

Again, devil bastards! Revolt! 

Britney Spears - Do Somethin'

The last "great" video by my girl Brit, come back to us Britney!

Oh Boy - Obama "Borrows" Another Speech

Here's another:

The similarities between Obama's speeches and speeches made by by Deval Patrick, the current Democratic governor of Massachusetts, back in October 2006 are a bit too similar to be coincidence. But the question is, does it matter?

Monday, February 18, 2008

LMAO! If You Saw The Ring, Watch This

Another Classic - The Weatherman and the Cockroach

Lululemon Athletica - A Short-Lived Romance

If you see the logo above, RUN! It seems fun, it seems trendy, and it seems comfortable. And yes, the clothes are - but their service sucks ass.

So here's a product non-recommendation. Well, the product is great but the service is HORRIBLE. We have spent hundreds there, I've raved about lululemon ever since one of my friends turned me on to their "yoga" wear. I've gotten gifts from there, I've bought gifts from there, etc. I buy a sweatjacket, and they didn't have the smaller size but with what I was wearing when I tried it on, it was fine. As with many of my shopping excursions, I come home, keep all the receipts, cut the tags, put stuff away - whatever. Normal stuff. Here's where things get dicey:

I buy this sweatjacket ($100 for cotton is a bit high no?) and I'm kind of excited about it, even though it's nothing that you couldn't pick up from American Apparel. I like it and I like what the company seemingly stands for. After wearing it to a friend's house, I realize it's too big. So I decide to find the receipt, I'm within the two-weeks that they require you bring something back (which in itself is somewhat ridiculous), and I was prepared to exchange it for something else in their overpriced store. Much to my chagrin, I was refused - flat out. Why you ask? Because I don't have the tags STILL ATTACHED. It was spotless, receipt presented, all that stuff. But because I don't have the tags attached, they won't even help me. Can you believe that???? So now I'm stuck with a relatively expensive basic cotton sweatjacket that I won't wear. And to their detriment, here I am telling all of you and I will never buy another thing from them again. EVER. 

Disclaimer: I must say that I totally understand how people are constantly bringing things back, heavily used, and it's a major pain in the ass for companies. I also understand that it might be "their policy" to handle returns this way. Having said that, Nordstrom is known for their customer service and will take nearly anything back, no questions asked. Even without a receipt! In that case, they'll give you the lowest price they currently show for that product. This kind of exemplary service is what makes me want to be a better consumer and a better customer. I actually have felt bad if I had to return something to Nordstrom because of how well they treat me. So maybe lulululululululuemon (felt like doing that) should revise their policy, you know, as in there's the letter of the law and the intent of the law kind of thing. It was SPOTLESS and I wore it once for a very short period of time. The intent of the "law" is that they don't want people abusing the return policy, and if it had stains, stunk, and had been shrunk three sizes, I would understand. I should have left the tags on it and rolled around in the mud - let's see what they would say then!  

Apparently Lululemon is only in it for the money, but I don't suspect they'll continue making that much money if they don't treat customers better.

So long you bastard company, you don't deserve my patronage. And oh yeah...

Watch This - Apartment in a Box

An entire apartment’s furniture — an armoire, a desk, a height-adjustable stool, two more stools, a six-shelf bookcase, and a bed with a mattress — can be squeezed into just one small 31-by-47 inch box.

The apartment can be assembled in 10 minutes and no tools are required for assembly. Check out the video and visit Casulo for more information.

(source: Just Jared)

Cosmetic Surgery - Poll Results

The question was: What's Your View on Cosmetic Surgery?

50% of you answered, "A little sprucing up is OK, but no surgery."

The tribe has spoken! See you in the chemical peel line.

Matthew McConaughey for Dolce & Gabbana

Does it make you want to buy the cologne? I probably did already, but now, I really want to buy ___________.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Let Me Borrow That Top / Shoes - Kelly

The Famous "Let Me Borrow That Top" has another companion video on my website, it's called "Shoes". Go to 3:30 if you just want to see the video portion of this one.

And "Shoes"...


Cows Being Abused - Let the Backlash Begin!

From CNN: The video (which I won't watch), which one lawmaker said raises questions about the safety of the nation's food supply, shows Hallmark Meat Packing Co. workers administering repeated electric shocks to the downed cows -- animals that are too sick, weak or otherwise unable to stand on their own. Workers are seen kicking cows, jabbing them near their eyes, ramming them with a forklift and shooting high-intensity water up their noses in an effort to force them to their feet for slaughter.

There are two major issues here: one is that if the livestock is not healthy and is being slaughtered for use in the food served to people all around the country, that has health implications. Two, who the fuck do these low-life fucktards think they are treating animals this way? Knowingly causing any living creature harm is about the lowest of the low, and in my opinion a sign that these people need psychiatric evaluations. There is a reason why serial killers often tortured animals when they were young and to this day is a sign for teachers and parents to look out for.

Ok, I'm off the ledge now. I generally believe in being bigger than a situation and try to take the approach of teaching people to curb their behavior. But with animal cruelty, that flies out the window - the devil bastards should fry.

Product Recommendation - Incase iPhone Cover

I've looked at many of them, and I personally think this one is the best. It's made by Incase and the rubber is thicker than the others I've seen. It's structured, and it prevents your iPhone from slipping it out of your hand (think bar of soap), as it has mine many times. I think the silver on the iPhone is beautiful, but that doesn't matter so much if it's completely dented up, as mine started to become. Anyway, you can buy it through Amazon (my site please!) and they have lots of colors. I personally only really like the gray, black, and maybe the yellow if you're feeling bold. 

Starbucks vs Dunkin' Donuts?

Dunkin' Donuts is moving to the west coast, expanding as I type. Can they take a bite out of Starbuck's dwindling market share? Or is Starbucks' market share dwindling, that depends on who you ask? Either way, they're coming.

I never had experience with Dunkin' Donuts other than it being a little donut shop and certainly not for coffee. But then I moved to NH where the word Starbucks seemed to be a sacriledge. Everywhere you go, there's a DD, and you can hear that pump pump pump sound in abundance. Now, I've been to both and they definitely have a different feel, with DD being a little more in-and-out with no frills, but it's been a while and maybe things have changed. Just to satisfy any curiosities you might have, here's the breakdown of the two companies:

Headquarters: Seattle
U.S. locations: 11,168
States: 50
CEO: Howard Schultz
Growth plans: Slow U.S. store openings during next two years
Founded: 1971

Headquarters: Canton, Mass.
U.S. Dunkin' Donuts locations: 5,368
States: 34
CEO: Jon Luther
Growth plans: Triple store count to 15,000 by 2020
Founded: 1950

Can they continue to chip away at Starbucks? With 15-30% lower prices, they just might be able to. Starbucks is often known as "Six-Bucks" for a reason, and I think people just might be growing tired of paying those prices. Even McDonald's has made some progress by offering inexpensive coffee from higher-quality beans. Not coincidentally, Starbucks is now testing out a $1 smaller cup of coffee. 

Check this article out in the Seattle PI.