Monday, February 25, 2008

Green Earth Cleaning

Can the dry cleaning chemicals cause cancer or at least increase your risk-level for cancer? As of now, it's inconclusive, but there are indications that the perc might cause cancer of the esophagus and bladder, but it's not certain. If you smell your clothes after they come back from the cleaner and the smell is strong, your clothes might have left over perc (perchloroethylene) from the cleaner's extraction process. Obviously, airing those out would help, or you can switch cleaners to one that uses nontoxic, chemically inert D5 liquid silicone. 

Phew, that took a lot to write. Anyway, you can find a new earth-friendly cleaner by going to Green Earth Cleaning and finding one near you.  It could help yourself and the environment at the same time - which is really the same thing no? 

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