Sunday, February 17, 2008

Cows Being Abused - Let the Backlash Begin!

From CNN: The video (which I won't watch), which one lawmaker said raises questions about the safety of the nation's food supply, shows Hallmark Meat Packing Co. workers administering repeated electric shocks to the downed cows -- animals that are too sick, weak or otherwise unable to stand on their own. Workers are seen kicking cows, jabbing them near their eyes, ramming them with a forklift and shooting high-intensity water up their noses in an effort to force them to their feet for slaughter.

There are two major issues here: one is that if the livestock is not healthy and is being slaughtered for use in the food served to people all around the country, that has health implications. Two, who the fuck do these low-life fucktards think they are treating animals this way? Knowingly causing any living creature harm is about the lowest of the low, and in my opinion a sign that these people need psychiatric evaluations. There is a reason why serial killers often tortured animals when they were young and to this day is a sign for teachers and parents to look out for.

Ok, I'm off the ledge now. I generally believe in being bigger than a situation and try to take the approach of teaching people to curb their behavior. But with animal cruelty, that flies out the window - the devil bastards should fry.

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