Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Street Smarts Can't Be Beat

You gotta always have time for the cute, innocent stories right?
There was a farmer who stepped onto a train at North Station in Boston, headed back to his home in Quechee, Vermont. Pretty soon, a well-dressed Boston banker sat next to him. A few minutes later the banker said, “You look like an intelligent sort. I’ll tell you what. Since we have to spend some time together, let’s play a game.” The farmer replied, “What kind of game do you have in mind?” “Well,” said the banker, “one of us will ask the other a question. If the other fella can’t answer it, then he pays a dollar.” The farmer thought for a minute and then replied, “That doesn’t sound fair to me. You are college-educated and live in Boston. I only attended grammar school and live on a small dairy farm. If I ask you a question and you can’t answer, you pay me a dollar. If you ask me a question and I come up short, I’ll pay you 50 cents.” The banker agreed and asked the farmer to pose a question. The farmer started right out, “What has three legs and can fly?” The banker looked a bit surprised, thought for a minute, scratched his head, and said, “I have no idea. Here’s your dollar.” The farmer then said, “OK, now it’s your turn.” The banker looked straight at the farmer and asked, “Well, what is it that has three legs and can fly?” The Vermonter shot back, “Damned if I know. Here’s your 50 cents!”

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