Sunday, March 16, 2008

Pathology Trailer - Starring Milo Ventimiglia

This movie's about a bunch of medical students who are studying pathology, and they then compete to execute (pardon the pun) the perfect murder that will be undetectable. And then, of course, things go awry and then it gets like "The Skulls" or "The Firm" on our asses! You know, the "you're either with us or against us" kind of flick - I love it! Don't hold me to it, because it could just look decent and ultimately be a "they look hot naked but come from the Keanu school of acting" kind of movie. Speaking of Keanu, did anyone think The Lake House made any sort of sense? I digress.

It opens April 18. Check out the Pathology site. It has a better view of the trailer, but it has a little of the R-Rated stuff "cut" out. hahaha

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