|  |  | March 16 - 22, 2008 | |  | It's not so easy to be spiritual in tough times, is it? Why?
Spirituality, by the kabbalistic definition, means facing chaos and transforming it into order. It means you walk into the eye of the hurricane and you turn it into a sunny day. That's the definition of spiritual.
The chaos of life is what gives us the opportunity. Our instinct is to run from chaos. When there is a mortgage crisis, global crisis, political crisis, environmental crisis, it's an opportunity to be transformed into its opposite state. This transformation is not something that takes place externally, which is what the Opponent makes us think. Rather, it's got to be transformed within our own consciousness.
Science teaches us the law of cause and effect. You plant an apple seed — that's the cause — and when the apples appear dangling on the branches — that's the effect. Taking it one step further, Kabbalah teaches the same. Consciousness is the cause, the physical world is the effect. Kabbalists don't go around dealing with the physical world in terms of trying to change it. We deal with our consciousness and that in term affects change in the physical world. What does that mean? Well, if you deal with only the physical effect, you get involved in political & environmental activism, you protest the high interest rates, you plead with the government to give you relief from the mortgage crisis, you negotiate better terms with your creditors and lenders, and so on. That's dealing with the effect. And that's fine. We have to deal with the effect to some extent. If you witness a car accident, and someone is bleeding, you've got to call the ambulance. You don't just let the guy bleed there and say, "change your consciousness, man." You need the paramedics to come and help him deal with his crisis. But that's not going to change the world. It's only going to help to repair something that has already been manifested.
Spiritual means, I don't want to repair something that's manifested. I want to cure it from ever happening again. And in life, you've got to do both. However, Kabbalah is all about changing things on a consciousness level. This is done by not reacting to a crisis and accepting responsibility for your part in it. It means thinking, "the bank foreclosing on me is karmic payback. I know there is some blessing in this mess." The transformation is going from being a victim of circumstance to saying, "I caused the situation to appear in my life, as a result of some negative behavior I did in this life or a previous one. Now I've got the opportunity to discharge that spiritual debt." I can hear many of you churning as you read this. It's a bitter pill to swallow, isn't it? But, remember, spirituality means embracing chaos. And once you have an accountable consciousness, then you can go and deal with the one percent, the physical. You can call the bank, raise money, maybe look for a new career, whatever it is. You will be more open to finding the message that is there for you in the situation. This week, whatever crisis you may be facing, take responsibility for it. Relative to the amount of accountability and responsibility you accept, that's how much of a miracle you can generate in return. And by miracle, I mean direction from the Light as to what your next move should be.
All the best, Yehuda
72 Name of the Week
I free myself from all selfishness, envy, anger, and self-pity. By rejecting these negative temptations, I am free to invoke this Name—thereby igniting the power of miracles in my life.
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