Sunday, July 13, 2008

Daily Kaballah Tune-up: Shocked

Sunday, July 13

Reactive behavior creates intense sparks of Light but eventually leaves darkness in its wake.

Nestled within our reactive behavior is the desire for instant gratification. It offers a quick high that makes us feel alive and in control of our lives. We can become addicted to this feeling.

As we see in the case of a light bulb, when we resist reactive behavior, we generate Light. When we opt instead for instant gratification, we also create a very bright light. A direct connection occurs between our reactive desire (the negative pole) and the Light (the positive pole), producing a momentary flash of delight followed by darkness, because the bulb has burned itself out.

This is one of the unseen laws of the universe, not unlike gravity. If you jump out of a tall building, you will fall to the street below even if you are unaware of the existence of gravity. The same holds true of electricity. If you play with a live, high-voltage wire, you will get electrocuted even if you can't see the source of your demise.

Today, look into the areas of your life where you are sticking your finger in the socket. Ask yourself if the momentary jolts are worth all that pain.

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