Monday, July 28, 2008

Daily Kabbalah Tune Up: Chubby Babies

Monday, July 28

Red String. If there's one thing everyone knows about The Kabbalah Centre, it's that we teach the importance of wearing it in order to protect ourselves from the evil eye. I'm certainly not going to be able to explain this seemingly archaic concept to readers in a mere paragraph. But for those of you who have been studying and wearing it, you know its powers.

I was reading this week in one of the ancient texts that 'fish do not have evil eye because they are completely surrounded by water.'

Ok, a little weird. Who ever thinks of fish getting or giving evil eye. But the kabbalistic meaning of this concept is that water is chesed [mercy.] What I want to share with you about this is that when we immerse ourselves in the waters of a sharing consciousness, caring about others, the jealousy of people has no effect on us. Be merciful today. Cut people some slack. Smile at people like you're smiling at chubby little babies.

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