Tuesday, May 13, 2008


I was on my flight back yesterday, and it was a really great flight where I watched two movies with the little personal player thing you can get, more info on that later.
Anyway, this woman sitting in front and to the right of me had a few interesting habits for the plane ride. First off, I saw the hair and I was a tad bit surprised to actually see somebody with that hair still, but she was a really pretty woman so no disrespect that. Nice make-up, attractive face, etc. But again, the hair was frosted and tightly curled and/or feathered with a close cut or clip on the sides - yes, I know what you're thinking, LPGA-time! She was sitting next to her hubby and they were clearly in love - all good stuff.
But then, the grossness started. First it was doing her nails, filing and smoothing them with one of those nail cube things with 4 sides, one for smoothing, one for buffing, and two for whatever else - you know what I'm talking about. The second, and really the deal-breaker for me, was a later conversation she was having while picking her teeth with one of those toothpick-type things, the kind that look like a wire-brush or something like that. All while talking, just nasty right? 
Have any of you had similar experiences in a tight area such as a plane cabin? Which of these three things (hair, nails, toothpicking) would you consider the worst? Leave a comment, I really am curious!

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