Monday, January 21, 2008

Outstanding in the Field - A New Dining Option?

This was on CBS Sunday morning yesterday. It's an artist and surfer from California who does a lot of different things, one of which is traveling round the world to do these dinners that are called Outstanding in the Field dinners. They typically are held at a local farm or winery etc. and he uses local chefs only. All the food/wine and drink is served at the dinner is made from food grown within 100 miles of that location. All fresh, all local. The dinners are expensive but the experience seems well worth it. They usually have a table that is several hundred yards long and are typically in the middle of the field where the food is grown. What a great way to put us in touch with where our food comes from and to send that message.

Go check this out by visiting the Outstanding in the Field website.    (Thanks Aimee for the tip!)

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